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You searched for ‘mellow’, which matched 75 songs.
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"a carol for lorelei"  performed by the cryan’ shames  1967
Recommended by association [profile]

scratch in the sky is the name of the cryan' shames
album that came out in 1967 from these chicago soft/sunshine pop masters whom also added an amazing dash of psyche to all there recordings...
"a carol for lorelei" starts the album off with bells and association(ish) harmonies!! brilliant
ignore what said about this album they are fools the song writing is up to par with the beach boys and others.
if you dig the Association and The Millennium and other fine sunshine pop groups with that mellow groove get it now. the japanese import is worth the extra for the original back cover art work that the sundazed version didn't recreate faithfully. i love 'em

from scratch in the sky (columbia 2786)
available on CD - yes (sundazed or even better the japanese import)

500 Miles (Theme From Winning)  performed by Dave Grusin  1969
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

Delicate instrumental by Dave Grusin, that grows with each listen and has all the charachteristics of late 60s arrangements i love so much. The instrumentation is diverse, rich, yet subtle with piano, organ, horns, flutes and wonderfully arrangened, smooth strings and some harp embellishments thrown in. The mood is mellow, romantic with a dose of melancholia. Another great instrumental from the soundtrack, "California Montage", has recently appeared on "The Get Easy! Sunshine Pop Collection", while this one unfortunately is only available on vinyl.

from Winning (Decca DL 79-169)

505  performed by Arctic Monkeys  2007
Recommended by Squall [profile]

Very mellow, beautifully played song. The lyrics suggest a lost love, and a longing for the past that anyone can connect to.

from Favourite Worst Nightmare, available on CD (Domino)

A crow left of the murder  performed by Incubus
Recommended by notamamasboy [profile]

i love it very speedy mellow music. Incubus is always relaxing to listen to

A Festa  performed by Silvio Cesar  1977
Recommended by gregcaz [profile]

A smooth jazz-funk groove with Rhodes and synths playing melodically against each other. It sounds like Azymuth. In fact, it is Azymuth. Conversation, glasses clinking, a girl laughs in the distance. And Silvio's voice comes in, nice and mellow, describing what it's like to have a bunch of friends over for a get-together. Although he's one of Brazil's hippest crooners, a man who specializes in somewhat cliched yet mysteriously cool and affecting love songs, he lays back here and lets the country's greatest jazz-fusion outfit do its thing. How many romantic crooners ever do that?

from Som e Palavras (RCA)

Amantran  performed by Soul Yatra  2005
Recommended by jazzgoa [profile]

Soul Yatra-the band that tours worldwide for Henessey, has recorded an album titled 'live on tour'.
Download mp3 tracks from the album at:

from Live on tour (Raga to Rock records 2354)

Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song  performed by Jadon Faith  2010
Recommended by aricross [profile]

Acoustic cover of the hit song in the 1970's by original artist, B.J. Thomas.

from Faithful Intentions (Minurve Records)

Astronaut’s Wife  performed by Netherfriends
Recommended by evandavis7 [profile]

A trippy sounding track from the One-man-with-variou-people-helping-out band "Netherfriends. A Korg making weird sounds in the background, piano, a nice drum beat, and some pretty good vocals too.

from Home's Where My Houses

Berenice  performed by Marcos Valle  1971
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

This track is only available on the japanese reissue of "Garra" as a bonus track. I can only assume it's from the same session, if so it's completely beyond me why this gem has been left out, maybe it didn't fit in the context of the album since it's incredibly mellow with great flutes, horns, piano, oboe and silky strings and possibly didn't properly mix with the rest of the songs on the record.

from Garra (Remastered Japanese Edition), available on CD (EMI)

Casimir polaski Day  performed by sufjan Stevens  2005
Recommended by Branman629 [profile]

everything about this song is pure beauty.

from Illinois (Asthmatic Kitty)

Cavaleiro Andante  performed by Abilio Manoel  1970
Recommended by gregcaz [profile]

This song is simply unreal. It starts out in a kind of 4/4 samba groove with a highly prominent cuica and a funky strummed acoustic guitar chord progression before the super-catchy pizzicato-violins riff comes in, and Abilio's mellow voice singing the melody. It's sunshiney and catchy, with a bit of a haunting aftertaste, very Brazilian. I can never hear this song enough times!! Abilio Manoel is a Sao Paulo-based singer-songwriter from the late-60s-70s (still active) who wrote a few moderate hits without attaining even a Marcos Valle level of popularity. Good for Marcos, since Abilio's work would have caused me a few sleepless nights if I were him. And both on the same label, too! Abilio's stuff is hard to find, but very worth the effort.....I've already given Dusty Groove the heads-up about the CD....

from Pena Verde (Odeon)
available on CD - 20 Sucessos (EMI Brazil)

  delicado: sounds great; I look forward to checking it out!
Crab Apple Jam  performed by David Snell  1975
Recommended by joanzaya [profile]

David Snell is an amazing harpist. This track was originally released in 1975 and is from the "On the Side of Angels" album. Since then, it has been found on a variety of compilations; The Mighty Mellow, Cinemaphonic 2: Soul Punch and many others. A great jazz track.

from On the Side of Angels (Programme)

Creep  performed by Stone Temple Pilots  1992
Recommended by falicon [profile]

Reminds me of my college days where I first heard of STP while watching MTV at about 4am instead of sleeping or studing...the video I saw was actually for Sex Type Thing, but after getting the CD, I found Creep to be one of my favorite. I actually like most of the items on this CD however. This song's got a pretty mellow sound to it, with a very strong and powerful set of lyrics that blend quite nicely.

from CORE, available on CD

Crooked Teeth  performed by Death Cab for Cutie  2005
Recommended by HelterSkelter [profile]

Very nice sound to it, you got your basic instrument set in this one, I like it because of the lyrics.. They're not totally simple. It's easy to understand today's pop and stuff like that, but Deathcab actually puts some more effort into their music.

from Plans (Atlantic)

Deacon Blues  performed by Steely Dan  1977
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

On "Aja", Donald and Walter reached the zenith of their perfection, with an unsurpassed attention to sonic detail and texture. In fact, the recording of these 40 minutes of music took them about a year of studio work. They assembled an incredible array of the finest session musicians around at the time, creating 7 timeless tracks of jazz-rock fusion, impeccably engineered and produced by Roger Nichols (this is the other Roger Nichols!) and Gary Katz. "Deacon Blues" is certainly one of the most heartfelt, mellow tracks they ever created. It never ceases to amaze me how seemingly effortless they create this elegance in the harmonies and chord progressions.

from Aja, available on CD (MCA)

det sista �ventyret  performed by sagor & swing  2003
Recommended by olli [profile]

dreamy, ultrascandinavian mellow forest music played on drums and electric organ. beautiful. simple melodies that make me think of mist, small cabins in the woods, owls and little lakes.
try listening to this when you're far from civilization. it's amazing.

available on CD - allt h�nger samman (hapna)

Diamond Sea  performed by Sonic Youth
Recommended by Reina [profile]

mellow, beautiful, haunting song...good for summer night listening

Discovery  performed by Brian Bennett  1978
Recommended by nighteye [profile]

One of former drummer Brian Bennett's best tracks. Mellow space funk with synthesizers, a deep bassline and weird sounds. Almost gives the feeling of floating around in space.

available on CD - The cream of the Chappell Music Library Sessions (Chappell)

  texjernigan: Lovage sampled this track for their opener, "ladies love chest rockwell." Anybody know if there's a site that shows all the original samples for stuff like this, rap and what not?
Don Cosmic  performed by Don drummond
Recommended by djfreshmoney [profile]

Drunken sounding ska instro. Mellow goodness.

available on CD - Ska Bonanza

Dragonfly  performed by Ziggy Marley
Recommended by Reina [profile]

Basically any song off his album Dragonfly is good...but I especially liked this one. Upbeat and mellow, like any Ziggy Marley song. Very cool.

"We're on a ride that never stops..."

Recommended by callgirlscene [profile]

Originally sort of a mellow song, here is someone really belting it out. With a swinging big band, Kim, (who I've thought of as a soul singer mainly)
really rocks.


  Arthur: Kim can really belt 'em !
Eos  performed by Ulver  2007
Recommended by mardikas [profile]

smooth, ambient, electronic sound + low, soft vocals.

It is beautiful, calm, mellow and airy. (why I like it)

Everyone, Under the Sun  performed by Ashley Park  2000
Recommended by saturnhead [profile]

More from Canada's Ashley Park Spin Magazine, Uncut, Billboard, and Magnet all rave "Beatles, Bacharach, Kinks"...This song is a jazzy take on that uber hip college sound.

from Town and Country, available on CD

Fools in Love  performed by Inara George
Recommended by mellocello [profile]

A beautifully lilting modern waltz. Bittersweet fingerpicked guitar in the background and a wonderful haunting voice, I'm assuming Inara George herself. I'd love to learn more about the artist. A beautiful song of the bitter side of love, "fools in love they think they're heroes, because they get to feel no pain, i say fools are lovers' heroes, i should know, i should know because this fool's in love again." I just love songs like this. I first heard it watching Grey's Anatomy. So I looked on Amazon at the playlist for the soundtrack and found it. Definitely a great song in my book.
She has a website: and unfortunately she just finished a tour.

from Grey's Anatomy Soundtrack

For Years And Years (Cathy)  performed by Tai Phong  1975
Recommended by john_l [profile]

This must be the epitome of French progressive rock, a (mostly) languid song made by piano and organ on top of the usual rock instrumentation. There is a short fast/noisy bit just before the middle that jars a bit, but basically you want to just lie back and relax while listening to this track, it's so mellow and lovely. Also recommended: "St. John's Avenue" and "The Gulf Of Knowledge" from their second LP "Windows".

from Tai Phong (WEA)

Goin' Home  performed by Ike Quebec  1962
Recommended by tinks [profile]

Beautiful samba, with great mellow sax playing from one of the masters of the Coleman Hawkins-influenced tenor on his final album. The counterpoint of Kenny Burrell's guitar and Garvin Masseaux's gentle percussion with Quebec's long warm tones really make this track.

from Soul Samba, available on CD

Golden Brown  performed by The Stranglers  198?
Recommended by jcb3 [profile]

We got (still get) very little British music here in the States, even the top of the pops - I'm continually discovering great stuff that is decades old...

One of my all time faves is this Strangler's tune - beautiful imagery, some etherial background vocals, altogether a wonderful "mellow" tune from a band best known over here for punk.

  n-jeff: Lovely, surprisingly, considering what boorish herberts the stranglers could be. Nice video too, 20's Cairo chic, grubby whie suits, rubber plants, faded sepia hotel splendour. I've always wanted that sort of white suit, maybe it was watching Casablanca at an early age.
  audioadventures: I was into the band before they broke as they were based in our town. Golden Brown is from La Folie album (1982).
horns  performed by atila zoller  1970
Recommended by voshege [profile]

this is a great mellow funky jazz Hungarian styled piece in the vain of Gabor Szabo...has a great drum beat with superb jazz guitar interplay by Atilla...well worth tracking down

available on CD - gypsy cry (embryo)

  konsu: Oh yeah, this guy appears on some of Tony Scott's Verve LP's. A great session guitarist. Need to get this one!
i don’t know what i can save you from  performed by kings of convenience  2001
Recommended by device [profile]

personally, i enjoy this song in a large part because of the story it tells. i would really like for this to happen to me... it's just a very poignant thing. as to the mechanics of the song, however, some gentle strumming and a bit of classical guitar-style picking lends to the mellow and comforting quality of this song (and the whole album).

from Quiet is the New Loud, available on CD

  FCS: I like this song also, both because of lyrics and melody. And I suggest you check out Royksopp's remix of this song
I Remember  performed by Damien Rice
Recommended by jeni [profile]

This songs starts out so beautifuly mellow then turns into a screaming symphony. So powerful.

from O

I think We're Alone Now (Japanese)  performed by Lene Lovich
Recommended by bloodfever [profile]

Queen of the New wave and possibly Vampires, Eastern Bloc princess of the moogs and synths takes a old 80's teeny bopper cover and refreshes it by singing the lyrics in Japanese and adding a synethically mellow-dramatic and somewhat retro kitsch shibyua district cuteness. Dance to it or cry to it, nonetheless this cover is 1000X better than the original..

It's 74 in San Francisco  performed by The Hellers  1968
Recommended by scrubbles [profile]

The Hellers were a group of L.A. ad agency people making a pop record, and it shows in this slick opener to their only album. I love the mellow pacing, the otherworldly early synths, and the so-corny-they're-good group vocals. Overall, it comes off like a weird, wonderful hybrid of '60s AM radio promos and mildly psychedelic pop.

from ... Singers...Talkers...Players...Swingers... & Doers (Command)

  bobbyspacetroup: That is a cool song. Very cool. The song I've really grown to love from this album is "The Mist Of Time." It makes me wish The Hellers had done more stuff outside of advertising music.
I�m Shadowing You  performed by The Singers Unlimited  1975
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

Wonderful song (written by Blossom Dearie and Johnny Mercer), perfectly performed, produced and arranged. The Singers Unlimited recorded over a dozen albums between 1972/1981 for the acclaimed german MPS label. This track has an incredibly mellow, almost etheral sound with a breezy bossa rhythm, delicate instrumentation by the Pat Williams Orchestra and the Singers' magic voices on top of it.

from Feeling Free (MPS/Verve)
available on CD - Magic Voices (Motor Music)

Kim  performed by Bertrand Burgalat  2000
Recommended by dedismo [profile]

style: pop, downbeat. Smooth, easy, just the right amound of bossa, drums, synthesizers. Kim is just a great song all around and only 7 some minutes long. But you don't ever want it to end. Keeps your head nodding. Burgalat is the master of instrumentation as much as Sean O'Hagen is to the High Llamas. He can produce a mellow, warm, lush sound like no one else at the moment.

from The Genius of... (Bungalow bung 079)

  tempted: Ah, mon dieu! I hate comparisons in general but I must say to everyone who's just bought 10 000 Hz legend by Air: get rid of it and get hold of The Sssound of Mmmusic by Bertrand Burgalat instead. He's special.
  delicado: yeah, I must pick it up. I have 'the genius of' and I love most of it.
  autopilot: One of the best things that Burgalat has ever created, and considering his incredible body of work as producer/performer, is no mean feat! It's this tune that turned me on to the whole Tricatel sound that he singularly seems to be the master of.
KRS-one  performed by sublime
Recommended by sancherikennedy [profile]

mellow, stoner

L.O.V.E. and You and I  performed by Jazzanova  2002
Recommended by secularus [profile]

"Sun, the moon, the sky ... and you and I," - I wish I knew where the samples used in this track are from - from the opening piano melody to the refrain (it's possible that the vocals were recorded specifically for this tune). If someone can help out, thank you. I am pleased to hear Jazzanova offer such decent track. After being disappointed by the less than stellar remixes 1997-2000, I was thrilled to hear a very good original creation off of their forthcoming debut full length. Soulful, mellow and ez.

from In Between (JCR JCR 025)

  pleasepleaseme: The first track's o.k. ,though after 2 or 3 listenings a had to through the record in the garbage. i find todays "Neo-Soul" so lacking.
love song for the dead che  performed by the united states of america  1968
Recommended by olli [profile]

spacy female vocal-based sadpop, perfect for cold weather and sunday afternoons. these guys pioneered this kind of music, if you're familiar with white noise,
os mutantes or even broadcast this album is your jackpot.
it's one of the more calm and mellow tracks on the albums, and one of my favourites.
absolutely gorgeus chorus, totally wide, deep string based arrangement.

..And dig the gentle, almost non-audible rhythm track.

from the united states of america

Lucy and the Bourgeoisie  performed by Ashley Park  2000
Recommended by saturnhead [profile]

Very popular Canadian pop band. You know them from Kindercore Records...home of Of Montreal, The Olivia Tremor Control, Richard Davies. This song is an orch-pop, bacharachian, stereolab ish number

from Town and Country, available on CD

Mad World  performed by Gary Jules  2001
Recommended by cryofthecelt [profile]

"Mad World" was written and originally performed by the popular 80's band Tears for Fears. A more mellow, piano-based cover of the song was featured in the cult movie "Donnie Darko" (Jake Gylenhaal, Patrick Swayze) as performed by folk artist Gary Jules. His version of "Mad World" reached the coveted Christmas #1 spot in the UK in 2003, despite that it was 3 years old and performed by an unknown artist.
This song is quite possibly my favorite song of all time, at least in my Top Ten, because I feel that it describes life very accurately. The chorus of the song is:
"I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had."
To me, this song is saying "Hang in there...I know life sucks on this earth, but you will go to a far better place after your death."
Depressing? No. This song helps me to carry on.

from Donnie Darko (Enjoy)
available on CD - Trading Snakeoil for Wolftickets (EMI International)

  malpt: This is a rare occasion where I love the cover more than the original. A very awesome song.
MIRROR BALL   performed by alice nine.
Recommended by bambiheartsyou [profile]

pretty mellow feel, music video's great.

available on CD - MIRROR BALL (PS Company)

Moles  performed by Ashley Park  2000
Recommended by saturnhead [profile]

Back with yet another Ashley Park number. This one is bit more Floyd-ish, but of course the Beatles sound is a bit of an influence. Used on Felicity. Very cool.

from Town and Country, available on CD

My Ashes  performed by Porcupine Tree  2007
Recommended by mardikas [profile]

Has a mellow sound, involves mellotron, piano. I like it because of its dreamy mood and the lyrics.

from Fear of a Blank Planet

My Autumn's Done Come  performed by Tindersticks
Recommended by ladonnaoscurata [profile]

This song is a wonderful cover of the song by Lee Hazlewood. Lots of lurid orchestration, lots of reverb and the soft, lilting voice of the Tinderstick's lead man, Stuart Staples. Very mellow. Nice with a glass of wine, in my opinion :o)

from Total Lee: The Songs of Lee Hazlewood

  konsu: nice.
Never Say good bye  performed by The Impossibles
Recommended by inbloom44 [profile]

Mellowed out punk rock. A song about lost love.

NTF  performed by illScarlett
Recommended by TheGreatCoolEnergy [profile]

-Very Melodic in a way, with an exciting yet mellow tune and some very nice sounding instrument work

-Just an awesome sound to listen too

On (µ-ziq Remix)  performed by Aphex Twin  1993
Recommended by danomene [profile]

This song is a mellow eletronica piece that blends the jittery feeling of jungle with the melodic nature of more ambient techno.

from On Remixes (Warp Records WAP39CDR)

Ordinary Joe  performed by Terry Callier  1972
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

I came to Callier's music via arranger/producer Charles Stepney and delicado's recommendation of a Stepney-produced Ramsey Lewis track -- "Julia".

Well, Callier's "Ordinary Joe" (produced by Stepney) is a great track which I listen to over and over.

Of all the tracks I've recommended, this is probably the only one I would recommend by virtue of lyrical content alone: "Now politicians all try to speech you / Mad color watchers all try to teach you / Very few will really try to reach you / If you're lost in a stack / That's OK, come on back." Great stuff.

Thankfully the musical content is also very good. Kind of a pop-jazz style tightly arranged from Stepney. I say tightly, but it never really comes across that way. It really has a pretty breezy and organic sound.

Also, look for an earlier version on Callier's "First Light" which is a bit more mellow, but at least as good as the Stepney-produced version. Maybe better in some ways...

from Occasional Rain, available on CD

  konsu: Brilliant! I love his What Color Is Love LP too.
Out on the side  performed by Dillard and Clark  1969
Recommended by lpeditor [profile]

A friend told me about this band around Christmas time, and knowing my particular musical taste, couldn't understand why I hadn't heard of them before. The LP 'The Fantastic Expedition of Dillard and Clark' is superb. Soulful country music with some stunning harmonies and mellow, warm production.

from The Fantastic Expedition of Dillard and Clark

Outdoor Miner  performed by Wire  1979
Recommended by geezer [profile]

A short sweet pop song played with a concentration that belies its melodic simplicity,mellow for a new wave act but too edgey for pure pop .Imagine something from late sixties San Francisco finding itself in late seventies London amidst domestic turmoil and rain and you will have a clearer picture of the mood and times surrounding this gorgeous little nugett.

from Chairs Missing, available on CD

  kohl: agreed. very good song.
Peaceful  performed by Georgie Fame  1969
Recommended by Swinging London [profile]

I'm very surprised there are no other Georgie Fame songs here.

Here's yet another British solo singer of the 1960's who never really made it in America...except, I think, with the song 'Bonnie & Clyde'.

By 1969 Georgie Fame's success as a hit-maker was starting to wind down, before, in the early '70's, he teamed up with Alan Price and had a hit with the forgettable 'Rosetta'.

I think this song has been forgotten, this version anyway, but it's far from forgettable.

A really terrific late '60's chart hit, that only made it to no.16 on the British charts, but should have done so much better.

A really upbeat, summer song.

It was covered by someone else sometime in the '70's, I think, but that version was far inferior to this.

Wondeful gentle arrangement...lots of mellow brass & Georgie's voice at its understated, confident best.

available on CD - yes (Raven)

  konsu: This song was written by Kenny Rankin. A legend in his own right in the US. The Fame version is awesome indeed, i've heard a lot of takes on this one and his takes the prize.
  audioadventures: I agree I re-discovered this song recently and it has been added to my best songs of all time.
Please Let Me Wonder  performed by the Beach Boys  1965
Recommended by tinks [profile]

To me, songs like this best express the genius of Brian Wilson. Listen to the tender lyrics and vocal on this...this is the happiest he has ever sounded. (Given the time that this was recorded, it's almost depressing...this was probably also the last time in his life that he was truly happy. What the more poetic call bittersweet?) Yet, this is so mellow and unassuming. It's blissful, joyous - and above all else, madly in love, as evidenced by the spoken "I love you." at the end. The writing credits lists Wilson-Love, but all I can hear is Brian here. Mike Love was never this genuine.

As for the arrangement, it hints at what was to come with "Pet Sounds". Fender bass! Tambourines! Harpsichords! It's a beautiful thing, and Sonny Bono built his career off of it. Sleep well, sweet Congressman.

from The Beach Boys Today! (Capitol T-2269)
available on CD - The Beach Boys Today!/Summer Days! (And Summer Nights!!) (Capitol)

Poetry Man  performed by Phoebe Snow  1975
Recommended by djfreshmoney [profile]

Whoa... am I loosing my mind here? Next I'll be listening to Cristopher Cross. But Phoebe's got something knowing about her voice. She's alluring in her 70's way. And then the last verse comes in about the guy being married and she wants him to stay. "He makes things alright..."

available on CD - The Best of Phoebe Snow

poinciana  performed by gary burton
Recommended by jazzfanwv [profile]

superb arrangement similar to the ahmed jamal version but more mellow . cue it up with your favorite glass of wine.

from departure

Ride The Wind (live)  performed by The Youngbloods  1969
Recommended by opl3003 [profile]

This live recording of "Ride The Wind" is a wonderful nine minute take on the six minute studio version available on The Youngbloods 1969 "Elephant Mountain" album.

Recorded live in NYC as a trio, The Youngbloods never sounded better. Jesse Colin Young is on bass. Banana plays guitar and keyboards, and Joe Bauer on drums. Sparse, almost scatted vocals mixed with improvisational instrumentaion help this song lightly float along. The bass solo gives me goosebumps, and accents the playfulness of the improv style the Youngbloods exhibit on this song.

I really like this song because it sounds so mellow and free. One of the best ways you can spend almost 10 minutes of your life. Give it a listen, you won't be sorry.

from Ride The Wind (Raccoon / Warner Bros. Raccoon #4)

  DRMUSE: I went to a concert in longmont Colorado on a June Night in 1970 in the Full Moon Light, where I heard Ride the Wind and Sunlight and On Sir Francis Drake, and Banana's Fender Rhodes with the picture of Elephant Mountain painted on the front could be seen for miles. The CD i recently found these treasures on is One Way # OW 34535, available through Amazon, GET IT ! It has some of the most amazing music you ever heard if you are a Youngbloods fan. It is also demarcated BMG Specialty Products DRC11575. Whatever your music is, people, enjoy it , sometimes it is all you have. And everybody learn to play. Maybe we could have a battle of the guitars instead of the guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Samba de mon coeur qui bat  performed by Coralie Cl�ment  2001
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

Lovely, mellow bossa nova track. Coralie Clement is the sister of Benjamin Biolay, who wrote almost all the songs on the album and produced, arranged and played a variety of instruments on it. There's a timeless quality about this song, certainly due to the fact the arrangement is simply impeccable and delicate and Coralies whispery, rather flat but warm, sensual voice sounds like a cross between Astrud Gilberto, Claudine Longet and Jane Birkin. The whole record is a quite a gem.

from Salle des pas perdus, available on CD

Set the Ray to Jerry  performed by Smashing Pumpkins
Recommended by meatball [profile]

There's an instrument in the background (harp? xylophone?) that really appeals to me. The song is pretty mellow which is cool. Corgan's voice tends to be screechy at times but the magic instrument (in the background) along with some nice (well timed) bass evens it out.

from 1979 cd single

she makes me wanna die  performed by tricky
Recommended by javaviolet [profile]

A very melancholia song. Tricky, with the help of a female singer (though I don't know who) set you adrift the feeling of sadness and depression. If you ever felt like you were nothing from a friend, this is your song.

Skeleton Key  performed by Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s
Recommended by clubs42 [profile]

I've been really connecting with this lately. It's mellow and easy to listen to, melancholy.

from The Dust of Retreat This is a great song, this band was recommended to me by a good friend. Great choice
Skin Trade  performed by Duran Duran  1986
Recommended by dsalmones [profile]

Beneath the avant-garde lyrics and futuristic synth textures, there was always a pulsing dance music quality that drove the classic Duran Duran sound. As they progressed into the late '80s, they allowed that dance element to move up front and dominate their style. A good example of this tactic is "Skin Trade," a hit whose silky and funky style led to it being mistaken for a Prince song. The lyrics have a surprisingly direct, soul-searching feel to them as they lay out scenarios of people shortchanging their dreams to make money. These moments are followed with the dramatic proclamation that makes up the chorus: "Will someone please explain/The reasons for this strange behavior?/In exploitation's name/We must be working for the skin trade." The music lends contrast to the angry tone of the lyrics by creating a sultry, mellow melody that juxtaposes verses with a soft, hypnotic ebb and flow with an ever-ascending chorus that revs up the song's inherent drama. Duran Duran's recording is fuelled by funky but gently layered guitar textures and subtle drum work that push its groove along, plus some atmospheric synth textures on the chorus. Interestingly, Simon LeBon uses his normal tenor voice for the choruses but sings much of the verses in a lush, soulful falsetto that led many pop fans to initially mistake "Skin Trade" for a Prince ballad. The result was a perfect blend of slow-dance textures and adult social critique. It didn't do as well as "Notorious," just barely making the Top 40 in the U.S., but it got plenty of radio airplay and is fondly remembered by the group's fans as one of Duran Duran's most mature achievements of the late '80s.

from Notorious, available on CD

Still is Still Moving To Me  performed by Toots & The Maytals w/ Willie Nelson
Recommended by Steenie [profile]

I'd actually never heard of this band, but after having heard the song over the speakers in a bookstore I was in I went to one of the cashiers and asked her the name of it. She passed me the CD it is one of my favourite tunes (to listen to and to sing!).

Very catchy reggae, simple but meaningful lyrics. And though Willie Nelson has never been tops on my favourite singers/bands list, I veyr much like the way he sings this song...and surprisingly he doesn't sound so out-of-place doing reggae. I'd like to know what other recordings of this song exist. In the meantime, listen to this version!

The percussion is VERY cool.

"Still Is Still Moving To Me"

Still is still moving to me
And I swim like a fish in the sea all the time
But if that's what it takes to be free I don't mind
Still is still moving to me
Still is still moving to me

And it's hard to explain how I feel
It won't go in words but I know that it's real
I can be moving or I can be still
But still is still moving me
Still is still moving to me


from True Love, available on CD

Straight to Hell  performed by The Clash  198?
Recommended by mattypenny [profile]

You could see this as typical of late period Clash or solo Joe Strummer. It's got a vaguely world music type vibe with Far Eastern sounding keyboards and interesting drumming.

It was a double A-side with 'Should I Stay or Should I Go', (which was later re-released (without Straight to Hell) and was a big hit in the UK, following a Levis advert.) Straight to Hell is a lot less 'rock-y' than Should I stay.

If you were going to buy a Clash compilation then I would check whether this is included if you like there more mellow stuff - its on some of the compilations but not others.

I'm lucky enough to have seen this done by both the Clash and Joe Strummer when he was in the Pogues. Both very memorable.

from Combat Rock, available on CD

Summer, Highland Falls  performed by Billy Joel
Recommended by mklinsao [profile]

from Turnstiles

Sweet Surprise  performed by Blossom Dearie  1970
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

This is a track of off Dearie's second Fontana album "That's Just The Way I Want To Be". An overlooked gem of a record, unusual sounding for Blossom, blending together jazz, bossa nova and folk with nicely arranged orchestration. "Sweet Surprise" has a dream-like, airy feel with it's jazzy waltz rhythm. The album is available on the japanese "Whisper for you" compilation. Unfortunately, her first Fontana album "Soon It's Gonna Rain" from 1967, featuring lots of Jobim and Bacharach songs, has yet to be released on CD.

from That's Just The Way I Want To Be (Fontana)
available on CD - Whisper For You

  FlyingDutchman1971: The album 'Thats Just the Way I Want To Be' is now available on CD. There is also a really good Japanese compilation CD of the Fontana and Verve years called 'For Cafe Apres-midi'. Several tracks from 'Soon Its Gonna Rain' are featured so those of us who love Blossom will have to savor these meager crumbs unless the evil music overlords open the vaults.
  eftimihn: You're right and i forgot to mention the "For Cafe Apres-midi" compilation, this one features all tracks of "That's Just The Way To Be" except one track (they left out the opening track, not a bad choice though since it's the weakest track on the album and not quite fitting to the rest of the songs). Unfortunately there are just 2 songs from "Soon It's Gonna Rain", Meditation and Dindi, on it. But these sound absolutely gorgeous, arranged with some very cool harp embellishments. Too bad the entire album hasn't been picked up by some japanese label yet.
  konsu: Great song, great album, great singer/composer. Why she's not completely worshipped in the USA I have no idea. I really have to disagree with eftimihn on the opening track, it's in my opinion one of the coolest things she ever did! Sure her jazzy renditions of evergreens and her more hip stuff are great, but to stretch out like she does on "That's Just the Way" is just sublime. What was she doing there? Some kind of CA inspired latin/folk/psyche-pop? Genius! True, it isn't like the rest of the album... Also her great take on Frishbergs "Long Daddy Green" is worth mentioning for it's uniqueness.
Sweet Tuesday Morning  performed by Badfinger  1971
Recommended by nuthings [profile]

A very sweet, acoustic song about the beauty of a lover's smile in the morning.

from Straight Up, available on CD

Tales from the Riverbank  performed by The Jam  1981
Recommended by geezer [profile]

Released as a B-side in 1981 ,this group were so prolific at this time vast parts of their output never made it to albums ,turning up ,like this gem as b sides or outakes,This is late period Jam in a wistful jangly mood but with a darker undertone lurking behind the mellowness ,the song ,lyrically,mourns the passing of a way of life sacrificed to progress and declining morals.Has hints of British psychedelica at its most parochial ,The Kinks come to mind as do early Floyd.The almost pastoral feel of this was not out of step with Wellers writing at this time and his finest inspiration often came to fruition on calssic b-sides like this .

from Extras (Polydor)
available on CD - The Jam-Extras

the last good day of the year  performed by cousteau  2000
Recommended by joakimbo [profile]

hmm, well its just such a gorgeous song, mellow and warm, a bit melancholy. very evocative of those early autumn days when the sun is low and golden and everything feels a bit warm and slow.

available on CD - cousteau

  G400 Custom: We could argue all day about how this song is derivative of Scott Walker - but the fact remains that it's just a fantastic record.
The World Spins Madly On  performed by The Weepies
Recommended by Starr [profile]

A good listen. The band is overall pretty neat. They are very mellow, and perfect for bonfires on the beach, post-party hanging out music, etc.

from Say I Am You

Theme From "Blow Up"  performed by Bobby Hutcherson  1967
Recommended by gregcaz [profile]

This whole album is a masterpiece, but "Blow Up" is a track that should definitely be better known. It's a vibes-piano-bass-drums quartet session with Herbie on piano that inexplicably was never released at the time, only in Japan over a decade later. It was available on CD for a while in the early 90s, but has since been deleted. The track builds on a steady, understated 4/4 groove anchored heavy bass and creative drumming courtesy of Joe Chambers. Eight minutes of relaxed heaven, with messrs. Hutcherson and Hancock engaging in sublime vibes/piano dialogue over a very catchy theme. Seek out this album any way you can!

from Oblique (Blue Note)

Time Of The Season  performed by The Zombies
Recommended by BloodSugar [profile]

Mellow and sexy. Beautiful vocal harmonies. Insane keyboard solo's by the brilliant Rod Argent.

To Put Up With You  performed by The Sandpipers  1968
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

Late 60s mellow sunshine pop with amazing vocal harmonies, composed by the legendary Roger Nichols with lyrics written by his long-time partner Paul Williams. A very gentle, breezy and light tune, due to excellent arrangement/production by Nick DeCaro and Tommy LiPuma with a delicately sounding trumpet playing the main melody. Like many Nichols songs, it's soft and mellow while being full of longing and melancholia at the same time.

from Softly (A&M)

Together  performed by The Kin
Recommended by sarcasticaXY [profile]

It's a mellow love song, that makes me feel quite calm. It's one of my all-time favourites, first heard on TV show 'Moonlight'.

Viva La White Girl  performed by Gym Class Heroes  2005
Recommended by eddier5888 [profile]

Laid back song that is a little bit different from most of Gym Class' regular songs. Less Hip Hop and more R&B sound to it. It is a really good song to calm down too and I think it shows some range in the artist's abilities and hopefully a look at what may come later on.

from As Cruel as School Children

while the city sleeps  performed by Nick DeCaro  1974
Recommended by klatu [profile]

Nice mellow one from A&M master arranger Nick DeCaro (Claudine Longet, many more), but this is probably my fifth "favorite" song off of this wonderful album, with versions of songs by Stevie Wonder ("happier than the morning sun") and Joni Mitchell ("all i want") that even the composers would have to admit have value added. I don't know if Ms. Mitchell necessarily sees the humor in changing the lyric "I want to knit you a sweater" to "I want to lift your sweater", but I do. Also a radical arrangement of "tea for two" only Bob Azzam can compete with. Nice comments by "konsu" on Nick's earlier album only show up if you put a space between "De" and "Caro".

from Italian Graffiti, available on CD

  konsu: Cordially corrected for hair splitters,and for the benefit of search engines everywhere!I'm sure Joni has lifted a top or two in her heyday too!His work needs WAY MORE stateside attention indeed.
  drchilledair: Even if you think you don't know who Nick DeCaro is, chances are you are familiar with his music, via his arrangements for many Golden Age of Warner-Reprise "Burbank Sound" recordings incl: Gordon Lightfoot's 'If You Could Read My Mind', James Taylor's 'Shower The People' and Randy Newman's 'Marie'. By conservative estimate, as producer, arranger, musician, songwriter, or singer, DeCaro, who died in 1992, partnered with over a hundred groups or artists - including not just Warners-Reprise artists like Arlo Guthrie, Maria Muldaur, Ry Cooder, the Everly Brothers, the Mojo Men & Harpers Bizarre, but also such diverse recorded citizenry as Barbra Streisand, the Ventures, Claudine Longet, Chris Montez, the Sandpipers, Del Shannon, Gary Lewis, et al - amassing a catalogue in excess of 300 albums and sundry 45rpm singles. In an interview I conducted with Randy Newman in 2001, he described DeCaro as being almost pathologically shy. Thus explaining, perhaps, the state of anonymity that still surrounds Nick, despite his prolific achievements. As a journalist I have devoted some of the last couple of years trying to redress this oversight. If you are interested, one result is an article I published in Japan in 2001. The English language version is available at A more recent article can be found on the web at
Windmills Of Your Mind  performed by Dorothy Ashby  1969
Recommended by brendan [profile]

I've got 5 or 6 Dot Ashby albums, and this is by far my favorite song of hers.

It's breathtaking, no mistake. The bass and drums are steeped in funk, yet keep it mellow. A flute (?) section keeps it nice and light. Its all held together by 'Dorothy's harp' her playing is perfect, sprwaling rich deep soundscapes.

I can't emphisise how perfect this song is. If you've hard any version of 'Windmills...' I'm sure you can imagine a harp suitung it well.

I belive Cadet have recently reissued the 3 albums Ashby did with them (Afro Harping, The Rubiayat of Dorothy Ashby, and Dorothy's Harp), but they can still be hard to get hold of. An excellent quality copy from an original LP can be found on Dusty Fingers Vol.1, also on vynil.

I'm not sure if this is available on CD.

from Dorothy's Harp (Cadet)

You Know My Steez  performed by Gangstarr
Recommended by meatball [profile]

Sick beat. Mellow, monotone.

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