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falicon [profile] has recommended 10 tracks.
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Praise You  performed by Fat Boy Slim  1993

It's just pure fun baby, pure fun! Yes, the music itself isn't anything special, and the lyrics are very repetative and lame, but it's still a hit. Anytime you're feeling a little drained of energy, pop this baby in and watch yourself go!

from You've come a long way, baby, available on CD

The night is still young  performed by Billy Joel  1985

inspirational, and thought provoking. Makes me want to evaluate life. If I'm going to list main-stream music, I have to get at least on Bill Joel in here right? This is one of my favorites, so here it is. ;)

from Billy Joel Greatest Hits 1978-1985, available on CD

Sweetest Thing  performed by U2  1998

Makes me think about love and how powerful it can be over you, plus the really annoying background music gets into your head and you just can't get it out until you start to think, "hey, I actually like this song"...even if you don't!

from U2 The best of 1980-1990, available on CD

My Hometown  performed by Bruce Springsteen  1984

It makes me think of being a kid in my hometown...again, the music itself doesn't really have anything 'great' about's more the message and the feeling that the song gives me than anything specific about the song...I guess it's a memory association thing.

from Bruce Springsteen Greatest Hits, available on CD

Three Little Pigs  performed by Green Jello  1992

This song and CD actually just plain suck, but it's one of those that sucks so bad, I actually like it. It's quite funny...

from Cereal Killer, available on CD

  01 Aug 08 ·Bebecca: I am pretty sure the name of this band is Green Jelly!
  01 Aug 08 ·Bebecca: OK I'm not sure - is it Green Jello or Green Jelly?
  01 Aug 08 ·falicon: It started out as Green Jello, but because of legal issues changed to Green Jelly...the orig. CD's though have the Green Jello name on them (which is what I got back in the day) :-D
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