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4 tracks performed by Terry Callier have been recommended.
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Ordinary Joe  performed by Terry Callier  1972
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

I came to Callier's music via arranger/producer Charles Stepney and delicado's recommendation of a Stepney-produced Ramsey Lewis track -- "Julia".

Well, Callier's "Ordinary Joe" (produced by Stepney) is a great track which I listen to over and over.

Of all the tracks I've recommended, this is probably the only one I would recommend by virtue of lyrical content alone: "Now politicians all try to speech you / Mad color watchers all try to teach you / Very few will really try to reach you / If you're lost in a stack / That's OK, come on back." Great stuff.

Thankfully the musical content is also very good. Kind of a pop-jazz style tightly arranged from Stepney. I say tightly, but it never really comes across that way. It really has a pretty breezy and organic sound.

Also, look for an earlier version on Callier's "First Light" which is a bit more mellow, but at least as good as the Stepney-produced version. Maybe better in some ways...

from Occasional Rain (Cadet), available on CD (Universal)

  16 Jul 03 ·konsu: Brilliant! I love his What Color Is Love LP too.
What Color Is Love  performed by Terry Callier  1972
Recommended by konsu [profile]

I know the buzz is burned on his return but I still need to give this song props. The first time I heard this album was indesribable. It sort of places you in a zone where so many sounds you love coexist in poingant harmony. This one, the title track, is a mix of torchy iceman elegance, and rootsy baroque impressionisim. And the mix of talents is undeniable. Charles Stepney and his incredible group of session men, and one, singular, unique songwriting talent. Done at a time when they could do no wrong...

It goes in and out of print, so snap it up if you can.

from What Color Is Love (Cadet MSM 37190)

Ordinary Joe  performed by Terry Callier
Recommended by snoopy313 [profile]

Absolutely class, Terry singin his heart out in a kind of ba ba be da be da da kind of way how he's "seeen a sparrow get hiiigh and waste his time in the sky-yyy" and that "each little bird in the sky-yyy is just a little bit f-reee-er than I (He's a mys-ter-ry) - ba daa da daa dum be be dum be da ba ba ba de da de dum beda ba de daaa..." a really happy song about being really happy about who you are even if your just a lazy so and so.

  14 Jul 04 ·snafkin: This song doesn't bounces!
Spin, Spin, Spin  performed by Terry Callier  1964
Recommended by trivia [profile]

"Spin, Spin, Spin" is a graceful and romantic folk song which Callier sings with a smirk - almost as if he's in on a secret joke. His guitar phrasing is pitch perfect and his voice is both rich and subtle. HP Lovecraft covered this tune as a string-heavy psych-lite track on "HP Lovecraft II," but I prefer this original rendition's low-key and unpretentious acoustic charm.

from New Folk Sound of Terry Callier (Prestige)

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