I started my interest in sound when my parents bought me a little toy reel to reel tape recorder in elementary school. Then I got into jazz in high school and since I played alto that meant Bird! Once I hit college I started to explore other music and found my first cool record store. "Whoa that new Trio single is awesome, eh" (gives you an idea of my age)
I haven't stopped ravenously exploring new and old music since then. Rockabilly, James Brown, Vocalists, Exotica, Surf, Old School, Shibuya-kei, Gospel quartets, serge gainsbourg, old country...
I moved to New York City and eventually accumulated over 5000 CDs. Now I'm an audiogalaxy addict. I recently figured out that I have fourteen days worth of mp3s. Some recent faves include Electrocugat, Belleatec and Ivor Cutler.
I also make my own tunes. Check out the link below.