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Mike [profile] has recommended 95 tracks.
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Everybody’s Got to learn Sometime  performed by The Korgis  1979
Composed by James Warren

An absolute classic of British pop. Beautiful song whose verses and chorus each use original and stunningly effective chord sequences. The verse's melody line is exceptionally fine, as is the atmospheric production.

from Dumb Waiters (Rialto)
available on CD - Don't Look Back - the very best of the Korgis (Castle)

Way to Blue  performed by Nick Drake  1969
Composed by Nick Drake

Lovely, sombre song whose excellent string arrangement (no other backing is used) contributes greatly to its success.

from Five Leaves Left
available on CD - Way to Blue

The Only Living Boy in New York  performed by Simon and Garfunkel  1969
Composed by Paul Simon

A simple but catchy track with an excellent arrangement which is helped along by a nice slice of organ in the mix. Dreamily atmospheric, and of course beautifully sung.

from Bridge Over Troubled Water, available on CD

Liberation  performed by Pet Shop Boys  1993
Composed by Tennant/Lowe

Lush electronica from the masters of the art. In the early 1990s, the Pet Shop Boys produced some of the finest electronic pop ever heard. This lyrical, optimistic song is a superb example. "Your love is liberation".

from Very, available on CD (EMI)

Don�t talk (put your head on my shoulder)  performed by The Beach Boys  1966
Composed by Brian Wilson

A song whose verse is achingly beautiful for its harmony, melody and arrangement - so much that it stopped me in my tracks when I heard it playing in a record shop recently. Interestingly it took me many years of familiarity to really appreciate this track, which is in stark contrast to "God Only Knows", which I have loved since the first time I heard it.

from Pet Sounds, available on CD

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