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You searched for ‘Soothing’, which matched 31 songs.
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90 Miles An Hour  performed by Ricky Fitzpatrick  2002
Recommended by gse [profile]

Remarkable cover of a classically great song. Ricky has an amazing voice and his solo guitar work is clean and just raw enough to engage you. Found him on hte web at

I can't think of another current unknown performer who deserves to be propelled into the realm of stardom more than Ricky.

In a word...spercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

from Ricky Fitzpatrick (Sonicopia RFMCD0001), available on CD

Abaddon  performed by GPKISM  2009
Recommended by shakebear [profile]

Abaddon is just beautiful; the lyrics are pure poetry, GPK's voice is gorgeous and soothing, and all of the instruments fit together perfectly.

from Atheos (Darkest Labyrinth)

America  performed by Simon & Garfunkel  1968
Recommended by LawrenceM [profile]

In my opinion, the best S&G song, from their '68 masterpiece "Bookends". Lyrically beautiful, with a haunting melody and beautiful vocals care of Artie and Paul. A beautiful, soothing song for a turbulant time.

from Bookends (Columbia), available on CD

  phil: DEFINITELY the best Simon and Garfunkel song - Paul at last raises himself to some excellent lyrics , and the singing is just sensational - when they sing 'so I looked at the scenery/ she read her magazines/ and the moon rose over an open field' tears spring to my eyes.

Seriously, people diss Art Garfunkel, but the man is truly a singing genius. It's all very well to go on about the importance of writing blah blah blah second most talented member of Simon and Garfunkel blah blah blah, but when you can sing as well as Art, what does it matter? He adds so much to their songs just with the beauty of his voice. Paul should never have got rid of him.

  G400 Custom: Nice to see someone standing up for Art Garfunkel's often wonderful singing. His 1978 album 'Watermark' is largely composed of Jimmy Webb songs and is well worth a listen, particularly 'Mr Shuck'n'Jive' and 'Shine It On Me'.
August Day Song  performed by Bebel Gilberto  2000
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

Bebel Gilberto had quite a musical career before her debut album was released in 2000 and, of course, stems from a famous family (her father is Joao Gilberto, Miucha is the mother with stepmother Astrud Gilberto and uncle Chico Buarque de Holanda). This is a very lovely, soothing, gentle track, a duet with Nina Miranda (from "Smoke City"), sung in english and portuguese.

from Tanto Tempo, available on CD

Chansons Francaises  performed by Notre Dame
Recommended by moondog [profile]

More godlike melody from monsieur Arnaud Fleurent -Didier. This one, the title track, taken from his tribute to the french singers and songs of his youth (serge, polnareff and son).A largely acoustic number with a bit bossanova, chansons, strings, a female voice and that extra magical melody chord that only Arnaud seems to be in possesion of. You need this man in your life, right now.

from Chansons Francaises, available on CD

Creole  performed by Charlie Hunter Quartet featuring Mos Def  2001
Recommended by secularus [profile]

"Easy fantastic, lonely together.." - I have listened to this song at least 100 times since receiving it on Audiogalaxy. Simple yet beautiful. I never knew Mos Def had such a pleasant and sexy voice! I am in heaven when he sings "I just go walking in the rain ... when I feel you passing by..." The back drop is provided by the talented contemporary 8 string jazz guitarist Charlie Hunter (once a member of Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprosy).

from Songs from the Analog Playground (Blue Note)

Das Licht  performed by Ruth Hohmann & Erbe Chor
Recommended by HoboTech [profile]

Incredibly haunting melody from East Germany's 60s sci-fi series. This song brings half remembered experiences of things yet to come into my mind. Quite soothing.

from Kosmos - Soundtracks of Eastern Germany's Adventures in Space

Desire  performed by Ryan Adams
Recommended by CaitlinSpelledWrong [profile]

OMG, a song that actually has a beautiful sound and beautiful're kidding me? Ryan Adams has a soothing voice and beautiful lyrics to go with it. "All this waiting for the power, for some answer to this fire, sinking slowly the water's higher...Desire"

Flightless Bird, American Mouth  performed by Iron and Wine
Recommended by hosnapitsizzy [profile]

guitar's part is simply stunning. the tone of the singer's voice is so soothing and relaxing. when i get married, this will be my wedding song, it's perfect.

Fumemos Un Cigarrillo  performed by Piero  1969
Recommended by konsu [profile]

Piero sings in a soothing, breath-y tenor... More italian in tone than latin, although,the best comparison i've found is Luiz Henrique.His phrasing reminds me of Luiz as well,but there is no real relation.The backing has a nice spaghetti -western kind of vibe ala' Moriccone,which gives the whole thing a kind of high planes drifter setting,with plucked electric bass, strummed acoustic guitar,and occasional female chorus with a light string arrangement,Very cool.The whole record is really good,and a lot of the songs have a distinctly latin ballad feel.

from Piero, available on CD

  modette: choose the italian compositers but choose them better: isn't "luiz henrique" , is LUIS ENRIQUEZ. other marvellous song of his: lo scatenato. sorry for my english!!!
  klatu: Pretty sure "Luiz Henrique" is the correct spelling, and that he is Brazilian. Must be a different guy than the similarly named Italian.
  Betto_Colombia: Piero is from Argentina.
Garden  performed by Noah Gundersen  2011
Recommended by Rogeroty [profile]

distinctive vocals. soothing voice. great chrous with a good message. a definite recommendation.

from Family

I've Seen To Dream  performed by Harmony Grass  1968
Recommended by tempted [profile]

This is a mesmerizing pop-psych number from maybe the greatest British vocal group of the sixties. The composition is adventurous and reminiscent of SF-based sunshine pop but with that distinctive, eloquent British touch.
Harmony Grass was the group Tony Rivers fronted after his success with The Castaways.
He's been an important influence on Mike Alway's legendary �l label.

available on CD - Tony Rivers Series vol. 2 (RPM/Cherry Red)

  musicmars: Yea tempted, we agree once more. I love that song. Another of the best 60's pop-psych songs. I can't think of one that's better. How is the rest of the cd? I only have the song on an el compilation.
  delicado: Winning track!
  eftimihn: Just wanted to recommend this to see it's already here. Fantastic track for sure, the whole album is uneven but "I think of you" is another winner on there...
  Major Minor: Excellent track... I would also put up "What a groovy day" at least as good as this one. If anyone wanted to further check into Tony Rivers of this era the "Harmony Grass" compilation is recommended...
Julie With...  performed by Brian Eno  1977
Recommended by bugbarbecue [profile]

Picture yourself in a boat on a river.

Actually, in this case it happens to be the middle of the ocean. Just drifting any direction. No land in sight, nothing else on the water, not even any clouds. No distractions. Just you, the boat, and the water.

Oh, and Julie -- she's there -- with her open blouse, gazing up into the empty sky.

What's so powerful about Eno's "Julie With..." (and this is perhaps representative of his entire career) is that he gives you an experience in perfect detail, as if reading a book.

Even if you discount the lyrics, which, although not exactly Shakespearian, are clear and unambiguous, there is no escaping the image that Eno is presenting.

Casting aside any overanalysis, what we're left with is an outstanding bit of relaxing, but emotionally evocative chillout music. Completely beatles, the instrumentation is typical Eno: pad synthesizers, minimoog and guitar with heavy chorus. Not something you'd throw on at an afterparty, but great for a sunset in solitude.

from Before And After Science, available on CD

Just A Little Lovin�  performed by Dusty Springfield  1969
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

As a rather casual Springfield listener i didn't discover this track until recently. While the "Dusty In Memphis" album boasts better known songs (e.g. "Son Of A Preacherman" of course), this one is an underrated gem. A soothing, relaxed opening turnes into an emotional, soulful finale drenched in swirling strings, horns and driving drums and bass.

from Dusty In Memphis, available on CD

Light Flight  performed by Pentangle
Recommended by WarPool [profile]

Very awesome band! They didn't achieve as much fame as Jefferson Airplane but they certainly are as good. The songs are all heavily bass driven and the voice of the lead singer is very soothing and moves along very well.

from Basket of Light

Love so fine  performed by Roger Nichols and the Small Circle of Friends  1968
Recommended by delicado [profile]

It's hard not to smile when you hear this lovely, rousing late 60s number. Roger Nichols is the composer (along with Paul Williams) of many late 60s and 70s hits for, amongst others, The Carpenters. He wrote this song with 'Pet Sounds' lyricist Tony Asher, and they created a beautiful combination of sunny soft pop sounds (handclaps, brass, group harmonies) and pleasing, happy words. Musically, it is superior and extra-catchy, with nice Bacharach-esque touches and great instrumentation. The lead vocal also deserves a mention for sounding almost supernaturally brilliant (far better than it sounds in the sound sample). The singer is Melinda Macleod; her voice is lovely anyway, but here it sounds as if 3 perfect takes have been somehow overlaid on top of each other to produce an incredibly rich, soothing effect. It's over quickly - in just over two minutes. At which point I normally listen to it again a few times.

from Roger Nichols and the Small Circle of Friends (A&M)
available on CD - Complete (Polydor Japan)

  PappaWheelie: I couldn't agree more. This is the epitome of what Pizzicato Five were trying to recreate in the early 90's.
  klatu: I didn't realize someone had picked this one already! I spelled it "&" instead of "and". Excellent choice!
Lullaby (the Divorce Song)  performed by Stephen Lynch  2000
Recommended by FlyingDutchman1971 [profile]

Stephen Lynch is what happens when psychosis goes unchecked... he is also a comic genius! Make no mistake, he is twisted beyond repair, but it is hilarious to listen to his crazed ramblings and sick observations and he is a master at guitar work. This song is written in the style of a father singing his little girl to sleep. He explains in a kind soothing voice that mommy won't be back because, "daddy likes porno and $10 whores, daddy gets wasted and robs liquor stores, daddy likes rubbing against little boys on the bus, i think that's why your mommy left us". Definitely a great amusement when drunk or in a crowd of rowdy friends. I've got several of my friend's hooked on this CD. His other CD 'Superhero' which is all performed live includes excellent participaton by the audience on this track... but it is only available thru mailorder from his record company or at live shows, the version on amazon/cdnow does not include this track

from A Little Bit Special, available on CD

Moonchild  performed by Rick James  1985
Recommended by Nickfresh [profile]

Rick James rocks. but he also can croon. His 1985 LP, "Glow," was highly underrated, and because of this fact, many folks passed up this gem of an album. "Moonchild," with its lush bassline - dreamy keyboards - and somewhat inspired lyrics, is one of the many tracks should've made RJ a bigger star than he was. Motown really dropped the ball on not releasing this ballad as a single or promoting the album, PERIOD. Mary J. Blige brought this song back to life (without butchering it) with 1997's "Love is All We Need."

from Glow (Gordy (Motown) 6135 GL)

Mu Chin Ne Tsai He Fang [Mother where have you gone]  performed by Koo Mei [Carrie Koo]  197?
Recommended by Opium_addict [profile]

Both The instrumentation and the vocals are very soothing,elegant,smooth and pure, One of the best songs I've ever heard. EVER

from The Classic Years: Koo Mei, available on CD

Noah’s Dove  performed by 10,000 Maniacs  1992
Recommended by genebean [profile]

The sound is just perfect. The piano part has been stuck in my head for years. Its another one of those rainy day songs that kind of make you stop everything you're doing and just sit there and listen.

from Our Time in Eden (Elektra)

Pink Girl  performed by Shauna Burns  2005
Recommended by musicman [profile]

If you like Tori Amos, you'll love this new pianist named Shauna Burns. To hear Pink Girl, go to

from Every Thought (Red Rock Music 634479118579)
available on CD - yes (yes)

Pinocchio  performed by Mary Roos  1977
Recommended by scrubbles [profile]

It's strange hearing a sweet, soothing kiddie tune sung in German, with all its hard syllables. "Pinocchio"'s sugary, synth-based production can best be described as "ABBA lite". Mary Roos is a singer I know little about, except she once entered the Eurovision song contest with "Arizona Man", an early Giorgio Moroder composition. She's so appealing here, though, that I would like to look into her other stuff.

Radio Orchid  performed by Fury in the Slaughterhouse  1993
Recommended by Vagina Man [profile]

The music itself is sort of like a darker Live, the group Live. Fury.. really didn't catch on to the alternative scene but that doesn't take away from its amazing music. Radio Orchid is by far their best song, melodic and serene. This song will make you want to buy their album. The voclas are a soothing mix to its already unique sound. It both relaxes and invigorates the soul. Hey if the song can't get to your soul then its just not that good. Also the lyrics play a big part in the song, not only are they good but they make you think. This was their second and last album, and eventhough they are relativley unknown, they are still alternative kings in my eyes.

from Mono (RCA)

  meatball: that is fuckin gay! damn!
Royals (US Version)   performed by Lorde  2013
Recommended by Cozzie123 [profile]

its soothing and relaxing and I just really love it ...

  delicado: Did you ever hear \'Big Red Balloon\' by Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood? Totally different song from the early 70s but the harmony in the chorus of this song really reminds me of it.
Smoke Rings  performed by Les Paul and Mary Ford  1952
Recommended by delicado [profile]

I've been in love with this tune since I heard the superb instrumental version of it on 1990's 'Wild at Heart' soundtrack. I'm a big fan of Les Paul and Mary Ford's records - the combination of immaculate multitracked guitars and spooky, clear vocals is a real winner for me. I only found out about this recording quite recently. It really is stunning. It's slow, plodding along while Les's intricate but very cool guitar lines twinkle around over the top. This song makes me feel very nostalgic, although I'm not sure exactly what for. The lyrics really add something to the atmosphere - 'tell me where do they go/those smoke rings that blow each night'. Anyway, please ignore my inadequate description and listen to this exquisite, perfect recording.

from Bye Bye Blues (Capitol)
available on CD - Bye Bye Blues/Les & Mary (COLLECTABLES)

song of the siren  performed by this mortal coil
Recommended by marisofparis [profile]

This plays during a very creepy/hot sex scene, go figure, from David Lynch's "Lost Highway". The song isn't on the soundtrack and I had to hunt it down seperately.

The mixture of the female singer's flowing voice with the slow guitar, following a step behind, is soothing and gorgeous.

It is a love song but one of sitting lost and alone "at the breakers" waiting for either love to return or to "lie with death, my bride"

Syncretism  performed by Annabel
Recommended by Hartfairy [profile]

The vocals are both soothing and hauntingly beautiful along with the music. It has a heartfelt, yet sorrowful feel to it.

Tear It All Away  performed by The Church  1981
Recommended by dsalmones [profile]

Following shortly on the heels of Of Skins and Heart, "Tear It All Away" still was the picture of a developing band, but one already more comfortable with the studio, able to use subtlety and quiet drama to inform its cool, soothing yet tense take on post-punk filtered through psychedelic touches. The familiar Byrds-derived guitar and Bowie-tinged lyrical regret and sighing crop up as they so often would in the earliest days, but there's a clean, blue tinge to the whole performance, something that feels inexpressively like an eighties recording rather than a sixties throwback. Call it the space in the mix, the gentle keyboards here and there, or the substituting of folk and country roots for something more urban and faster-paced. The lovely mid-song solos show the Marty Willson-Piper/ Peter Koppes team still well within its element, and the whole composition has a rich, lush feeling to it that's most attractive.

from Of Skins and Heart, available on CD

This Year's Love  performed by David Gray
Recommended by Silly Goose [profile]

This song is all about being hopeful for a relationship, even after you have been hurt many times. David Gray's whole album has this acoustic/electronic feel to it, and his voice is so soothing.

from White Ladder, available on CD

Triste  performed by Antonio Carlos Jobim  1969
Recommended by delicado [profile]

One of Antonio Carlos Jobim’s greatest songs here performed as a incredibly soothing and rich instrumental with guitar and strings, produced by the great Claus Ogerman.

from Wave, available on CD

  LTSings: Wonderful!
You are the best thing  performed by Ray LaMontagne
Recommended by soccergalmex [profile]

An upbeat, Sunday morning kind of song.

No matter how many times you hear it, you will never get sick of it. With LaMontagnes silky soothing raspy voice, you feel like the day just got better.

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