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134 tracks from 1967 have been recommended.
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Livin’ in the Sunlight, Lovin’ in the Moonlight  performed by Tiny Tim  1967
Recommended by SuzyCreamcheese [profile]

You may remember this song from the very first episode of "Spongebob" and you can hear it here

from God Bless Tiny Tim

  25 Mar 04 ·olli: superhappy! love it.can't imagine being able to sit through a complete tiny tim album though...
La Grippe  performed by Jacques Higelin avec Brigitte Fontaine  1967
Recommended by mr_klenster [profile]

Simply beautiful music. Fontaine and Higelin take turns singing verses, accompanied by a jazz band that delivers spare, but beautifully affecting melodic touches. The chemistry of the two voices is great, and everytime I hear this song, I can't wait to hear the next reply in the flow of their odd, sad conversation about influenza, love, and death. "Ma grippe vous va tr�s bien... La mort vous ira tr�s bien." (My flu suits you very well... death will suit you very well.)

from 20 Chansons Avant le D�luge

step inside love  performed by cilla black  1967
Recommended by olli [profile]

great song. because it starts off in a relaxed easy listening mood, the big paul mccartney chorus caught me completely offguard on first listen. Hasn�t left my playlist since...the demo version is superb, too.

  07 Dec 05 ·Swinging London: Oh yes...a great, great song. Her best by far. I agree, her demo version is also good or am I thinking of the bossa style version she did?
Dolphin Dance  performed by Ahmad Jamal  1967
Recommended by emitt [profile]

Over-used sample song. Great stuff.

Vim Da Bahia  performed by Quarteto Em Cy  1967
Recommended by sodapop650 [profile]

Quarteto Em Cy "Som Definitivo" was the first brazilian LP I purchased because I liked the cover. Before that I had only been familiar with Sergio Mendes and things like Les Baxter or Michel LeGrands excellent Rio LP. The darkness and power of Som Definitivo blew me away. Instead of the sacharine sweet vocals and ultra-clean arrangements of Sergio Mendes this sounded like 4 rowdy schoolgirls who got dragged into the studio off the street. The sound was much more throaty and the music by Tamba Trio is the primitive repetitious acoustic stuff that, personally, affects me the most. they do a lot of "call-and-response" type of arrangements. I always imagine the solitary life of people living in Bahia and the importance of the sea and the repetitious sound of the breaking waves in much of the music and the voices of the 4 girls like ghosts of the sea calling out to the fishermen. (I make up all kinds of stupid shit about the songs becasue I can't understand a word their saying anyway) Quarteto Em Cy also perfom on the classic Baden Powell/Vinicius De Moraes LP "Os Afro Sambas." In one of my earlier comments I mention that I have been told that Voodoo had a big influence on the people of Brazil and this LP is the best example of this influence.

from Som Definitivo, available on CD (Philips/Bomba Records)

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