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Black and White Town  performed by Doves  2005
Recommended by avalyn [profile]

this is possibly the first Motown-influenced Doves number i've heard -- and it's fucken brill, with the right dose of thumping beaty-ness, atmospherics and excellent lyrics. as it is, i suspect that "Some Cities", the band's new album will be on my list of Top 10 Records of the year... but this track totally knocked my socks off, and is now slated to be a mixtape favourite too. :-)

from Some Cities, available on CD

Get Up and Use Me  performed by Franz Ferdinand
Recommended by avalyn [profile]

a cover of The Fire Engines's song (the Engines then reciprocated with a cover of "Jacqueline"). knocks the socks off the original version, but i'm biased after all -- it's just incredibly sexy and groovy, and there's Alex K and Nick McC -- can't go wrong there.

This house is empty now  performed by Elvis Costello/ Burt Bacharach  1998
Recommended by Mike [profile]

Absolutely masterful. I've long been a fan of Elvis, though I know some people find his voice whiney, particularly on this record. I find this...just incredibly expressive. It's a first rate song, superbly performed. In fact the whole album is quite excellent.

from Painted from Memory (Mercury)
available on CD - Mercury (538 002-2)

One Day  performed by Gary Moore  1994
Recommended by Mike [profile]

Wonderfully melodic virtuoso blues guitar work. Minor key tonality. As usual on Gary's tracks, the vocals are rather dwarfed by the over top magnificence of his guitar playing.

from Ballads and Blues, available on CD (Virgin)

Maigret  performed by Tony Hatch  1962
Recommended by delicado [profile]

This is one of those mindblowing tracks that occasionally turns up when you least expect it. I bought a generic looking 'Top TV Themes' EP on the Pye Golden Guinea label, mainly because it had a version of the 'Out of this World' theme, which I've recommended elsewhere on this site. But I was disappointed - it turned out that this 'Out of this World' was exactly the same Tony Hatch version that I already had (the EP does not list any track credits).

I listened on, not expecting much, particularly from 'Maigret', a nice enough theme by Ron Grainer, but one that is a kind of accordian waltz!

Imagine my surprise when this turned out to be some kind of trashy, twangy, swampy surf pop masterpiece! It sounds like one of the very best Joe Meek produced instrumentals from the early 60s.

I'm inferring that this is Tony Hatch, since he did the 'Out of this World' and was a staff arranger at Pye in the early 60s. But if anyone else can shed a different light on this recording, I'd be pleased to hear about it!

from Top TV Themes (Pye Golden Guinea W03)

  06 Apr 05 ·olli: Funny how anything can be transformed into a masterpiece with the right arrangement, isn't it?
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