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470 tracks from uk have been recommended.
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Sympathy for the Devil  performed by The Rolling Stones
Recommended by ImNotDanish [profile]

This is one of the best songs by the Stones. A good rock songs with deep lyrics about the horrors of humanity, in the metaphor of the devil.

Save it for Later   performed by The Beat  1982
Recommended by geezer [profile]

The quirkiest and most eclectic of the Two Tone bands taking a giant leap from their ska origins.A majestc jangling guitar kicks off the first of many layers which build to an almost droning orchestral climax which should have sent them global .They split shortlt after

from Special beat Service (Go Feet)
available on CD - Special beat Service

Solsbury Hill  performed by Peter Gabriel  1977
Recommended by schlick [profile]

Gabriel's wonderful tribute to the hill overlooking Somerset, England. Nice acoustic guitar work by Steve Hunter.

from Peter Gabriel 1 (Car), available on CD (Real World)

Cinderella  performed by Aqualung  2007
Recommended by Mike [profile]

Despite couple of questionable decisions over the arrangement and mix, this is an extremely good song with an excellent lyric.

Particularly good is the harmonically-driven chorus, but there are a number of subtleties, as is evident from the opening instrumental sequence.

Why does he insist on recording his voice with so much distortion? It could almost drive you crazy...

from Memory Man

Vapour Trail  performed by The Divine Comedy
Recommended by Mike [profile]

Cover of indie shoegazer band Ride's 1992 song. I never knew the original, which this sounds extremely similar to. As ever I am very quick to enjoy the use of labels with which to typecast.

The song evinces what I consider to be a kind of poetic genius. Musically it mirrors the lyric in its absolute simplicity.

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