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Getting Away With It  performed by Electronic  1989
Recommended by ref. [profile]

Straight up pop song with a disco sheen. I haven't liked many songs in Electronic's catalogue, despite featuring Bernarnd Sumner from New Order and Johnny Marr from the Smiths, but this song is up there with my favorites from each group.

This song features Neil Tennant from the Pet Shop Boys. What star power!

The lyrics are typical Sumner - casual dream-speak about his relationship with the world.

The refrain is gold, as are the melodies.

Check out the song here:

from Getting Away With It (Factory FACD 257)

"Solitude"  performed by Black Sabbath  1971
Recommended by booblikon [profile]

lilac and deep blue/velvet symmetry where all emotions are filtered thru sound to encase the listener in suffocating oblivion; i drown in good music like i do in a crowd of people, but for different reasons

from Master Of Reality (Vertigo (UK); Warner Bros. (US)), available on CD (Warner Bros.)

Dogs  performed by Pink Floyd  1977
Recommended by coercri [profile]

An appropriate song relating to UK society. As a matter of any materialistic society.

from Animals

The Rip  performed by Portishead  2008
Recommended by robert[o] [profile]

Damn, the new Portishead LP is good!
This song mixes eerie theremin tones, acoustic and surf guitars, Kraftwerk-esque keyboards and a swell kraut-rock drumbeat.
Meanwhile Beth Gibbons drifts in from above, doing her best "Sandy Denny sings the Nico Songbook" impersonation.

available on CD - Third

East, West, North, South  performed by Captain  2006
Recommended by Mike [profile]

I'll probably tire of it fairly quickly, but I enjoy this. It fuses something that is very nearly Prefab Sprout with two other influences from the singles charts of the late 80s and early 90s...I haven't quite focussed on what those are yet. The lyric is clever...just a little.

available on CD - This is Hazelville (EMI)

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