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Flight 643  performed by Tiesto  2004
Recommended by Wynnde [profile]

One of the most influential and awesome dance tracks of '04..and still bears playing today. Rumored to have been written during a flight from Amsterdam to the US, the title certainly supports the idea.
Rolling bassline, tight and hard kick and an amazing array of drumwork compliment a very simple and yet gracefully full-on melody (Tiesto's signature in my opinion). As with most of Tiesto's production work, an excellent track and well put together, displaying an awesome talent for a wonderful genre...Trance.

In My Room  performed by Yazoo (shortened to �Yaz� in USA)  1982
Recommended by FlyingDutchman1971 [profile]

Take a mournful song about a late-night bout of insomnia brought on by lonliness, add a few synthesiser loops, some random and often indistinguishable chatter, and mix in a reading of St Matthew 6:9-13 (the Lord's Prayer) for good measure.

One of those perfect music moments from the "New Wave" era of the early 1980's.

from Upstairs At Eric's, available on CD

Baby You’ve No Eyes  performed by The Kazoo Funk Orchestra  2006
Recommended by peterbruff [profile]

Available for free download from along with the rest of the album 'Midnight Finger Painter'...

from Midnight Finger Painter (Planet Groucho Records PGR-KF-01)

Half Forgotten Daydreams  performed by John Cameron
Recommended by texjernigan [profile]

This track is so beatiful, and i find it popping up in a lot of degradingly funny places; its one of those tracks you hear in situations that are extremely sexy, though if you watched Nacho Libre, you might have noticed a more ironic use of the track.

  08 Jan 07 ·eftimihn: Terrific track, loved it for many years and was stunned to hear it in Nacho Libre.
Instant Hit  performed by The Slits  1979
Recommended by texjernigan [profile]

Its always funny when artists title things in that self referential way, "Instant Hit," as though predicting the public's response. The Slits know its a good track, and they know that we'll like it, and they name it that to make us feel as though our tastes are predictable. That's my theory anyway, trying to make you feel stupid for liking an enjoyable track! And it is, it's great, and I don't really like any of the other tracks on the album.

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