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31 tracks on Capitol have been recommended.
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I Can't Get Next to You (live)  performed by Al Green  1972
Recommended by tinks [profile]

The original Temptations version of this song is one of my all-time favorites, but Al Green's version, which initially appeared on his 1971 LP "Gets Next to You", blows it out of the water. As far as I know, this live version is only available on his 1997 box set, but it's worth the price of admission alone. Absolutely dripping with sexual tension & near-religious fervor, you won't soon forget it.

available on CD - Anthology (Capitol)

Aren't You Glad  performed by The Beach Boys  1967
Recommended by tinks [profile]

This song has a very tender vocal, which I believe is by either Carl or Dennis, a super-cool reverb-laden piano and sweet handclaps that cue up organ and trumpets. As fully-realized a piece as anything on "Pet Sounds".

from Wild Honey (Capitol)
available on CD - Wild Honey/Smiley Smile (Capitol)

  06 Dec 05 ·Swinging London: I LOVE this song. From my favourite (under-rated) Beach Boys album, 'Wild Honey' (1967) There's also a live version available on a Beach Boys 'Live' album, which I believe was recorded in London in 1968...they fluff the lyrics, which, actually, adds to the charm. Anyway, thank you for reminding me of this little gem.
Horse Pills  performed by the Dandy Warhols  2000
Recommended by tinks [profile]

Y'know...I really like the latest Dandy Warhols album, in spite of myself. I've never been able to stand them, as they are as about as close a thing to actual rock stars as we have here in Portland. As a result, there's just an awful lot of bitterness in the air. I think that I finally came to the realization that their particular brand of coke-sniffing antics are precisely what I want out of a rock & roll group. I want there to be rock stars on the grand 70s scale again. Somebody has got to inherit Mick Jagger's rightful place as the man to be. I'm not saying that Courtney Taylor should be that man, but at least he's on the right track. This song in strange as it reminds me of the Offspring, but in a good way. And that's the way with a lot of this album. There are songs here that remind me a lot of Beck, ones that remind me a lot of Frank Black and of course the obvious Stones pastiches. In short, there's nothing earth-shatteringly original...but hasn't rock & roll always been about copying what's come before and trying to make it your own? I mean, where would the Beatles have been without Chuck Berry?

from Thirteen Tales from Urban Bohemia, available on CD (Capitol)

  24 Jan 03 ·doublebarrelledsou: um... "reminds me of the offspring, but in a good way" i bet you've been losing sleep on someone finding that comment for months, your day of reckoning has arrived master tinks! i had no idea you were harbouring love for the dw. guess what's on ym desk right now. a numark tt-100 baby!
Go Chango  performed by Les Baxter  1958
Recommended by delicado [profile]

This wild track from Les Baxter's superb 'Jungle Jazz' album wouldn't be out of place in a David Lynch movie. In fact, it sounds very like some of the work Angelo Badalamenti did for the 1992 movie 'Fire (walk with me)'. It's really wickedly over the top, with a walking bass, wailing horns, and some incredible tenor saxophone work from legendary session player Plas Johnson. The overall effect is cinematic and disturbing.

from Jungle Jazz (Capitol)
available on CD - The Exotic Moods of Les Baxter (Capitol)

Underwater Chase  performed by Al Caiola  1966
Recommended by delicado [profile]

I had forgotten quite how brilliant this track is until it strangely popped into my head yesterday. It was originally available on Al's superb 'Sounds for Spies and Private Eyes' album, as well as volume 2 of the 'Music to Read James Bond By' series on United Artists records. It's very obviously James Bond rip-off music, but it's so perfectly executed, with cool percussive brass and Al's reverb-laden guitar nicely complemented by a swinging organ, that you can't help but love it.

from Sounds for Spies and Private Eyes (United Artists UAS 6435)
available on CD - Ultra Lounge - Cocktail Capers (Capitol)

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