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7 tracks performed by Pulp have been recommended.
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She’s Dead  performed by Pulp  1992
Recommended by Mike [profile]

A particularly gloomily atmospheric track which pre-dates the band's chart success by only a year or so. I find the chorus to be the band's catchiest of all, but nevertheless haven't entirely worked out why I find the song as a whole to be so absorbing.

from Separations (Fire), available on CD

common people  performed by pulp
Recommended by basil rathbone [profile]

Disco 2000  performed by Pulp  1995
Recommended by chris kane [profile]

Britpop classic from the mid 90's. Bits of every great pop record ever

  26 Mar 11 ·daniela_por: I love this song. Have you heard keane's cover? It's not as good as the original, but it's nice :)
  28 Mar 11 ·delicado: There's a Nick Cave cover that I think is pretty cool.
Disco 2000  performed by Pulp
Recommended by daniela_por [profile]

Happy dance-pop song about a high school love.

This is Hardcore  performed by Pulp  1998
Recommended by delicado [profile]

I was never a Pulp fan, and I'm still not exactly a huge one. I never quite got why songs like 'Do you remember the first time' and 'Common People' were so great. I don't mind those songs now, but they never hit me in the way that 'This is Hardcore' did.

It's hard to explain why the dramatic, slightly ridiculous tone of the song appeals to me so much. The song is built around a sample from 'Bolero on the moon rocks' by Peter Thomas, the German film composer, and I think it's used very well - the sample adds texture and atmosphere, but doesn't dictate the song. I enjoy the way things develop at a slow pace, with new musical sections still being introduced late in the song. I'm very fond of all of these, but the slow, dreamy section that comes in at around 4:15 is particularly appealing, with its lush and strangely 80s sounding backgrounds.

Utter, utter genius!

from This is Hardcore, available on CD

  03 Sep 04 ·scrubbles: Totally agree ... I remember that the video for this song was equally fantastic - a tribute to '50s technicolor melodramas, but with an added dose of sleaze.
  07 Sep 04 ·olli: dammit. just rediscovered this myself and was about to rcommend it. didn't appeal to me the first time around, but then again i probably have a slightly better/ more diverse taste in music now. besides, the years have been kind to it. you're spot on about the use of the peter thomas sample, i have to agree that it's pretty tastefully done.
  07 Sep 04 ·olli: if you can use the word "tasteful" about this song, that is:)
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