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133 tracks from 2003 have been recommended.
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Más Papaya  performed by Sidestepper  2003
Recommended by Betto_Colombia [profile]

Cumbia folk music from Colombia with really cool modern arrangements. An amazing fusion of Carribbean with electronica with a very unique Afro-Colombian style.

available on CD - 3 AM

Poor Boy, Minor Key  performed by M. Ward  2003
Recommended by Jackamaku [profile]

from Transfiguration of Vincent, available on CD

Slipping Through the Sensors  performed by Fruit Bats  2003
Recommended by Jackamaku [profile]

from Mouthfulls

Redemption Song  performed by Johnny Cash and Joe Strummer  2003
Recommended by Ganesha [profile]

Yes i think this is the most powerful version of the song, even better than Marley's. People go on about Hurt and with good cause, however i believe this is just as wonderful. Again he brings a different interpretation to the lyrics, given the past of both these men. I think you need to be older to capture this song, since we dont have Bob around i suggest you hear this.

from Unearthed (American Recordings)

  01 Dec 06 ·n-jeff: I used to close my pub DJ sets with this, perfect if you want to see big scary men cry. Someone cherry picked the boxed set for a vinyl bootleg "The devils right hand". Which naturally has this (first track side one IIRC) as well as a nice rheumy picture of JC on the cover. 3 dead men.
The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot  performed by Brand New  2003
Recommended by nospmohtetak [profile]

long name for a very, very good song about someone wishing to better than what he really is

from Deja Entendu (Razor&Tie Music 82896)

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