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133 tracks from 2003 have been recommended.
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shortboard city  performed by The T yde  2003
Recommended by norfy [profile]

i love this band-sure they have ripped of the almighty 'felt' but what the hell-this track chugs and grooves along like loaded era-'velvets',the aforementioned 'felt', 'television' and a thousand perfect pop songs-the rest of the album is a killer and i urge you to purchase this immediately-features the godlike ric menck on drums and i beleive thay share members with'beechwood sparks'-a reason for being-a reason to keep believing.

from Twice (rough trade RTRADECD088), available on CD

Hand Jabs  performed by Feable Weiner  2003
Recommended by michellegsfl [profile]

from dear hot chick, available on CD

Telescope Eyes  performed by Eisley  2003
Recommended by malpt [profile]

This is an awesome song all around. I dig the lyrics and I especially love soft voice with the contrasting guitar sound.

Now, this here is a young, local band consisting four siblings and a friend. I highly recommend that you check them out. You will not be disappointed.

available on CD - Laughing City-EP (Warner Brothers)

Wordy Rappinghood  performed by Chicks On Speed  2003
Recommended by barrythejackal [profile]

Great great cover of the Tom Tom Club song, and the highlight from Chicks On Speeds recent 99c album. Weighing in at almost 7 minutes, this is a great slab of electronica. Yes, ironic, yes, self referential, but here they totally excell their art school roots. Plinky plonky melody makes me think of the song 'Popcorn', and the nonsense chorus is like the poppier end of 60's girls with a dose of the Actionettes. Way too cool!

from 99 Cents

This Love  performed by Maroon 5  2003
Recommended by elfslut [profile]

If you happen to be a fan of trippy dance pop, with a little bit of soul, you'll love this song. When I first heard it I was reminded of the band Jamiroquai. They have that same feel to them. The song is infectious and very danceable. Not deep in the lyric department, but sometimes you just don't need to think while you listen.

from Songs About Jane (Octone)

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