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62 tracks from Italy have been recommended.
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Life Is Tough, Eh Providence?  performed by Ennio Morricone  1972
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

From the Italian western of the same name. I haven't seen the film, but it seems to be a comedy starring Thomas Milian and in the mode of the popular Trinity films. This track is kind of a light-hearted square dance with typically brilliant instrumenation by Morricone -- bells, banjo, organ, chorus, acoustic guitar, drums and violins. This makes a nice companion to the "Wanted Dead Or Alive" track I recommended earlier. Lots of fun.

available on CD - Spaghetti Westerns, Volume Three (DRG)

Sosta Vietata  performed by Ennio Morricone  1975
Recommended by delicado [profile]

Thanks are due to bobbyspacetroup for bringing my attention to this track. I foolishly thought I must have heard all the brilliant Morricone in existence. I was wrong. This is an incredibly perfect track, slightly reminiscent of the track 'Jet Society' by the Cordara Orchestra. It has lush strings, and a melody that is typical of Morricone - simple, obvious even, but very effective, with great instrumentation (in this case, harpsichord and later brass).

from Il Poliziotto Della Brigata Criminale
available on CD - Belmondo Morricone Verneuil (Playtime)

  31 May 05 ·eftimihn: After listening to a fairly large amount of Morricone music over the years this still stands out as one of his very best tracks for me. Oddly enough, this one never got compiled for one of the countless compilations that cover his "lounge" sound of the late 60s to the mid 70s. This should have been on "Molte Mondo Morricone", one of only a few essential tracks that were overlooked on this otherwise excellent trilogy.
  31 May 05 ·nighteye: I agree with you, this is a incredible track! The slow lush strings are perfect. I can't say I have heard much of Morricone's music, but if the rest is anything like this - he is going right in my list of favorite composers.
  11 Jun 05 ·eftimihn: Nighteye, you should definitely give the Mondo-Trilogy a spin. Can't really praise these comps enough, they actually got me into Morricone and are by far the best ones when it comes to sum up the maestros non-spaghetti late 60s to mid 70s work.
  11 Jun 05 ·nighteye: Yeah, thanks eftimihn I think I have to look at those compilations.
Diamond Bossa Nova  performed by Francesco De Masi  1967
Recommended by PappaWheelie [profile]

Italian film score Bossa Nova featuring lyric-less female vocal.

from The "Troppo per Vivere, Poco per Morire" soundtrack (Edizioni Beat Records/REIA)
available on CD - Easy Tempo (Eighteenth Street Lounge)

Green City  performed by Gak Sato  2001
Recommended by PappaWheelie [profile]

Japanese born, residing in Italy to run Temposphere, a division of Right Tempo, Gak Sato creates a Nouveau-Samba with shimmery electronics to match the bed of Brazilian drums. But above all, this track also features soulful and surreal vocals of the "Lounge Lizard's" Steve Piccolo.

from Tangram (Right Tempo TSPH 1000)
available on CD - Excercises (1997-2001) (Right Tempo)

Non rimane piu nessuno  performed by Ennio Morricone  1970
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

Another wonderful Morricone piece. Taken from the first Dario Argento movie "L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo ", this track has all the typical Morricone trademarks of that time. The first bars of the song would easily be mistaken for an early Jobim song, kicking off with a soft bossa nova style drum pattern and accoustic guitar, but when strings and melody joins in, with lyricless la-la-la female voices, this is definitively Morricone.

from L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo, available on CD

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