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62 tracks from Italy have been recommended.
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Forma 2000  performed by Nicola Conte  2000
Recommended by Tantibaci [profile]

This instrumental is 5:58, but as far as I'm concerned it could go on for another 10 affirmative, beautiful, cinematic number that cruises along with you and your ragazza on the autostrada (with the top down)

from Jet Sounds (Italia) (Schema Records SCCD314)
available on CD - Bossa per due (U.S.)

The Wind In My Face  performed by Nico Fidenco & Stephen Boyd  1973
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

A very enjoyable spaghetti western theme sung by American actor Stephen Boyd who also wrote the lyrics and starred in the film.

Fidenco's music recalls some of best spaghetti western themes but still has it's own personality. The lyrics are overblown and more than a little ridiculous, but Boyd delivers them in a fitting way. He's a pretty good singer too.

A lot of fun.

from Campa carogna... la taglia cresce

alla luce del giorno  performed by ennio morricone  196?
Recommended by olli [profile]

a catchy organ riff and some duh duh's just one of those fun obscure mid sixties soundtrack songs. sounds like a cheesy party sequence, although i've never seen the film it originates from.
good clean fun. Actually i was surprised when i found out morricone originally wrote this, because some cheap dance/pop bill (can't remember who right now)had a hit wich borrowed heavily from this sometime during the mid-to late nineties... why is it that every time something catchy pops in top 40-music, it turns out to be borrowed from one of the old masters?

available on CD - mondo morricone

Sweet Susan  performed by Ennio Morricone  1972
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

You probably wouldn't expect an amazing easy listening track by Morricone on a western soundtrack i guess, but that's what you get here. Except for the harmonica intro this is pure Morricone lounge and it features the most delicate use of a muted, toned down trumpet sound one can imagine. The way it's gently built up is just fantastic and it surely can make your hair raise, it's so subtly but overwhelmingly performed. After the harmonica there's piano chords fading in, then the song kicks off with subtle strings in the background and with a midtempo drumbeat. Wonderful melody, after a while the strings start to crescend leading into a swirl and a harpsicord is added in the right places. This track just melts in your ears like italian ice cream in the sun. Another gem by Ennio, the song was even issued as a single in Italy in 1972, together with "Sonny", recommended elsewhere on musicaltaste.

from La Banda J. & S. (CAM CSE 050)
available on CD - CAM (CSE 050)

  01 Mar 07 ·dominb: Yes, this song, hidden away on the "La Banda J & S" soundtrack is quintessential Morricone, it is truly sublime. One of the joys of Morricone is discovering tracks like this given his overwhelming output so thankyou for pointing this song out.
Cos�e� l�amore  performed by Franco De Gemini  1971
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

Beautiful vocal song from a little known italian soundtrack. The italians just couldn't do no wrong in the late 60s/early 70s, this just floats gently along with a flutes, harpsicord, sweeping strings and chorus. Nice, light vocals on top of it, can't identify the female vocalist though.

from Si Pu� Fare Molto Con Sette Donne, available on CD (Wave)

  02 Jul 06 ·dominb: The English version of this I find unlistenable because of the truly horrific lyrics!
  03 Jul 06 ·eftimihn: Yeah that's right, only listened to the english version once and found it doesn't come close to the italian one.
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