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21 tracks performed by Ennio Morricone have been recommended.
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Rodeo  performed by Ennio Morricone
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

My favorite track from one of favorite Morricone scores. Dig that harpsichord.

from La Casse OST
available on CD - Morricone - Belmondo (DRG)

  02 Feb 02 ·Mike: The first 27 seconds are very pleasant indeed.
Wanted Dead Or Alive  performed by Ennio Morricone  1972
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

The film this if from -- Sonny & Jed -- is a spaghetti western circa 1972. The soundtrack has some really nice moments like the beautiful track "Sonny" and this one which is an energetic sort of dance number. On spaghetti soundtracks, including Morricone's, it seems there is often an annoying dance number thrown in that sort of breaks the mood for me. Not so in this case. I particularly like the way uses the chorus and banjo here. For a while last spring, this track was more important than my morning cup of coffee.

from La Banda J&S, available on CD (CAM)

La Spiaggia  performed by Ennio Morricone  1971
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

Another of my favorite Morricone tracks. It's a long one at over 8 minutes. As is often the case (with Morricone especially), it's so hard for me to describe the mood of this song -- warm, sexy, yet heartbreakingly sad.

from Veruschka (Point Records PRCD 111 (I, 1995))

  06 Feb 06 ·leonthedog: Yes, this one's rather spooky - and beautiful. I recommend the entire album!
Life Is Tough, Eh Providence?  performed by Ennio Morricone  1972
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

From the Italian western of the same name. I haven't seen the film, but it seems to be a comedy starring Thomas Milian and in the mode of the popular Trinity films. This track is kind of a light-hearted square dance with typically brilliant instrumenation by Morricone -- bells, banjo, organ, chorus, acoustic guitar, drums and violins. This makes a nice companion to the "Wanted Dead Or Alive" track I recommended earlier. Lots of fun.

available on CD - Spaghetti Westerns, Volume Three (DRG)

Autostop Rosso Sangue - M23  performed by Ennio Morricone  1977
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

The score for Pasquale Festa Campanile�s mean but effective film "Autostop Rosso Sangue (Hitch Hike)" seems to be a precursor to the score for Oliver Stone�s mean and ineffective "U-Turn." On second thought, not just the score but the entire film. I wonder if Stone had seen this movie before making "U-Turn." At any rate, I�m here to talk about the music, and both films feature absolutely incredible scores by Morricone.

The arrangement here is pretty spare � I�m pretty sure that this track is mostly improvised -- and plays like a toned down spaghetti western theme. Morricone can evoke more feeling from a small group of musicians than most film composers could from an entire orchestra. The twangy banjo sounds great over the plodding bass line, and I love the subtle organ sounds. Ultimately, the real star here is Edda Dell'orso whose wordless vocals meander over it all.

from Autostop Rosso Sangue
available on CD - Un Genio, Due Compari, Un Pollo (Hexacord)

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