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4 tracks from 198x have been recommended.
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Planet Rock  performed by Afrika Bambaataa  198X
Recommended by black_beans [profile]

Classic old school bass track.

Are kisses out of fashion?  performed by Sudeten Creche  198x
Recommended by olli [profile]

Brilliant melancholy synthpop trac. from a bootleg compilation with tracks from the german 80's new wave magazine Flexipop, wich used to come with flexidiscs and tapes.
Been trying to dig up information about the band, without much luck. from the minimalist sound of this song it may even be just one person.

It's a simple song, (complete with a preset 80's synth drumline)
yet it's very effective in conveying a romanticised sense of loss and dread. It's a good song. You can listen to it on sunday afternoons.

  17 Mar 05 ·Erky: What do you want to know about Sudeten Creche? I can probably help ya out.
  17 Mar 05 ·olli: well, just about anything would be nice, actually:)
  21 Apr 05 ·glorious: Oh I can tell you volumes about that group. I received my first kiss while that song was playing.
  21 Apr 05 ·glorious: What would you like to know about the band?
  11 Feb 06 ·markwarner: I am surprised anyone has heard of us. It's been 24 years since we split. We only recorded 2 12" EP's. I will be happy to answer any questions.
  09 Jun 06 ·Henke: I remember the song "are kisses out of fashion?". It used to be my favourite in the early eighties (and still is one of my favourites together with New Orders "Blue monday" and ODWs "Lawnchairs") and I tried to get it but couldnt find it in sweden in the early eighties. I dated a girl who had a compilation with the song on it, unfortunately i didnt get the right upportunity to steal it.... Did "Sudeten Creche" record any more songs? Any chance that they could be found on the internet? I guess the records are not easy to find.... Who were the members? Where are they now? Did they play live?
  18 Jun 06 ·markwarner: Website
  19 Jun 06 ·Henke: Thanx, cool sleeves, I now recocnize the EP I wanted to steal from my ex-girlfriend (Europe in the year Zero) but please give us some more info. What about the name? What does it mean???? Do I have to visit all these underground vinyl shops to try to get the songs? I have "are kisses out of fashion?" on an old cassette from around 1984 (its getting noisy)
  21 Jun 06 ·markwarner: Henke, At the moment your best bet is probably Ebay. Most of these are seriously rare. For more information bookmark the website , be patient, all your questions will be answered and many more!
  25 Jun 06 ·Henke: I hope so, I ve heard that answer too many times on the net :-( Has SC reformed? Will they tour this summer???? Arvikafestivalen in Sweden would be THE place for a reunion concert!
  22 Jul 06 ·markwarner: Henke, We are about to release more information via the Minimal Wave web site and also East Village Radio and we will also provide News as well via . Plans for new (and old) releases are under discussion as well as possible one-off concert in 2007. Our web site will grow from its small start and information will be added as it becomes available. I am sorry to seem vague but many of your questions are answered in our interviews for MW and EVR. You are welcome to subscribe to our mailing list for our news letter. Please send an e-mail to [email protected] with more information about Arvikafestivlen (ATB Sudeten Creche.
  29 Jul 06 ·Henke: The synth and goth festival in Sweden (well there is a lot of other music too... but mainly synth) BTW your homepage seems to be working out fine, i just sent an email to your mailing list
  28 Aug 06 ·olli: wow, there�s been a lot happening here since the lat time i logged in! thanks for the info mark, it�s really nice to hear that you guys may be doing more in the future!
Sob Story  performed by Minor Threat  198x
Recommended by Durruti [profile]

This song is about.... ehh, the lyrics are quite self explaintory::

"Life's not been good for you
It's just not fair
You did nothing to deserve it
You did nothing at all
Sit back and watch
It turns from bad to worse
No matter how loud you cry
It always hurts.....
Everybody gets
The breaks that belonged to you
Everybody takes
Your just desserts....

At first I wasn't very satisfied with this song. It's hardcore, lyrics are shouted and I didn't understand anything, I only listened to melody and other things. Than I read lyrics and listened to it again.
THIS SONG IS VERY GOOD. ONE OF THE BEST MINOR THREAT SONGS (They are all great except "Guilty Of Being White", I hate lyrics. It remind me of nazi skins)
Minor Threat are one of the greatest hardcore bands of all time. Straight Edge is movement, which started becouse of one Minor Threat's song with the same name. The lyric side of MN is great, instrumental part to. They are great. They'll always be. IF YOU DON'T LIKE MINOR THREAT YOU DON'T LIKE HARDCORE! Sorry, but that's true.

You can find their whole discography on one CD which consists of 26 songs.

from Complete Discography, available on CD (Dischord)

Straight Edge  performed by Minor Threat  198x
Recommended by Durruti [profile]

What should I say about this fantastic song. It's one of the fastest hc song. It last's only 45 seconds.
I won't bother myself trying to explain you the meaning. Here you got the lyrics which explain everything. There is even a whole big movement which started becouse of this song. It's anti-drug, casual sex, vegetarian movement.Ops, I forgot, here you got the lyrics, Enjoy:

I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and fuck my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white shit up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don't even think about speed
That's something I just don't need

I've got the straight edge

I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and smoke dope
'Cause I know I can cope
Laugh at the thought of eating ludes
Laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
Always gonna keep in touch
Never want to use a crutch

I've got the straight edge

from Complete Discography, available on CD (Dischord)

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