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65 tracks from 1971 have been recommended.
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Diamonds Are Forever  performed by The Bachelors  1971
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

The kind of overlooked track that makes Frank Jastfelder and Stefan Kassel's soundtrack series so great. I find this a very refreshing take on the familiar James Bond theme. Ivor Raymonde's arrangment really sells the composition in the context of the Lettermen-styled vocal harmonies of the Bachelors without losing any of the energy of the John Barry/Shirley Bassey original. I particularly like the way Raymonde implements the steel guitar here.

available on CD - The Mad, Mad World Of Soundtracks, Vol. 2 (Universal/Motor [Germany])

Oui je dis adieu  performed by Fran�oise Hardy  1971
Recommended by whoops [profile]

Fran�oise Hardy at the beginning of the seventies had gained the right to be seen as something different than simply a part of the y� y� movement of the sixties. In 1971 with the help of a brazilian guitarist named Tuca she was about to make what is considered by many (and by me) as her best album. "La question" has a perfect instrumentation (strings, guitar and bass) and stunning arrangements. I dare you not to fall in love with the first 30 seconds of "Oui je dis adieu", in a way it reminds me of Scott Walker's "Plastic palace people" it has the same circular construction.

from La question (Hypopotam), available on CD (Virgin)

I'm Gonna Miss You  performed by The Mingles  1971
Recommended by john_l [profile]

My favourite Canadian rock single of all time. It's a slow one, which starts with solo piano, picks up the acoustic guitar, then gets a heavy fuzzy guitar in the chorus that complements the melody perfectly. Then repeat! With an organ and full band. Followed by a nice guitar solo at the end! Add in some interestingly-placed key changes (which are necessary to keep it level) and you've got a masterpiece, says I. Needless to say, I'm the only person on the planet outside the artists themselves who remembers it ...

Look What The Wind Blew In  performed by Thin Lizzy  1971
Recommended by lpeditor [profile]

This, unbelievably, sounds like The Strokes. Especially when the song moves from verse to chorus. Infact, it sounds more like the Strokes than any other band I've heard. Which suprised me. Which is why I recommended it.

available on CD - Whiskey in the jar (Spectrum music)

frozen warnings  performed by Nico  1971
Recommended by n-jeff [profile]

At first appearance, its not the most appealing of combinations, that deep flat voice accompanied by the unforgiving Harmonium alone. And it is quite stark, but at the same time strangely warm and hypnotic.
The song itself has a strong chorus and there are well played hooks. Slow, dark, magnificent. And it strangely is a pop song where the rest of the EP isn't.

from Peel Sessions (Strange Fruit SFPS064)

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