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4 tracks performed by Lee Hazlewood have been recommended.
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Wait and See  performed by Lee Hazlewood
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

I didn't notice this great song the first time I heard it, but now that I have, I can't get out of my mind. This is one of Lee's sadder songs, but don't let that turn you away. The piano on here (played by Don Randi) reminds me SO MUCH of a specific Nick Cave song, but I haven't been able to place it. Didn't Lee and Nick perform together recently?

from Love And Other Crimes (Reprise RS 6287)

  27 Jan 02 ·delicado: alas, my copy of this album is not with me, but yeah, Nick invited Lee to perform at the Meltdown festival in 1999, and I'm sure he was an influence. On a related note, Lee's song 'Forget Marie' starts off sounding exactly like the Tindersticks to me. I actually originally got into Lee through cover versions of 'A cheat' and 'Look at that woman' on early 90s releases by London bands Gallon Drunk and The Earls of Suave.
For one moment  performed by Lee Hazlewood  1966
Recommended by delicado [profile]

An incredible doomy pop masterpiece, 'For one moment' is a dark, haunting ballad, laden with rich strings. I guess what makes it stand out is the recording itself - Lee was a master of studio techniques, and so the whole thing has an uncanny, almost Phil Spector type feel to it.

from The Very Special World of Lee Hazlewood (MGM)

  24 May 04 ·plasticsun: Have you noticed that the string part sounds a lot like the string part in Scott Walker's "Plastic Palace People"?
  08 Apr 05 ·olli: Brilliant song, was going to recommend it myself, but luckily remembered to check for earlier entries. Always thougt this had kind of a Michel Magne feel's the swirling strings, i guess. Check out his version of Poinciana and Petrol Pop to see what i mean.
The Nights  performed by Lee Hazlewood  1968
Recommended by delicado [profile]

This song is unlike any other I've recommended, but it's hard to hear this and not sense the pure genius which infused Lee's best work. The song is a dramatic narrative about an American woman who runs off to marry an Indian and join their tribe. Instead of singing, Lee simply speaks the words, while every now and again a manic chorus chimes in with 'Thuuu Nights' while a string section scratches away. If I had as cool a voice as Lee (er, and some talent at recording), I guess I could take the songwriting approach that he has here - the music is quite simple, but the narrative as spoken by Lee is gripping, and the entire production is impeccably executed. Check out 'Jos�' for another successful song with this formula.

from Hazlewoodism - its cause and cure (LHI)

Bye Babe  performed by Lee Hazlewood
Recommended by olli [profile]

great piece of whiskey-soaked break up pop from our friend lee, here. it's basically driven by guitar and harpsichord, but a warbling hammond organ pops up in the end. really dig the balance between lee's weary voice and the backup singers' purring wordless hums here.

available on CD - love and other crimes

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