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moondog [profile] has recommended 34 tracks.
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With this love  performed by Peter Gabriel  1989
Composed by Peter Gabriel

Peter Gabriel may be a thing of the eighties but this track from Martin Scorses film Passion of the christ makes me cry nearly evertime i hear it. Just a flute and a hymn like melody that offers a consolation that i have hard to find in any art form than popular music.

from Passion, available on CD

Girl on the moon  performed by John Southworth
Composed by John Southworth

If Burt Bacharach would produce a hawain cabaret/ukulele band under the supervision of David Lynch with songs written by aliens and Paul Mcartney they could come close to the music of John Southworth. Confused ? well, but canadian popster Southworth defies description. And it´s not just orginality for orginalitys sake. Southworth is just as interested in crafting a fine melody. Maybe his whiny voice is offputting for some but i find it all the more charming. Girl on the moon is taken from his marvelous debut album (which he sadly hasn´t topped yet although the new Yosemite comes close) Mars, pennsylvania and i believe you can find it for just 1 dollar on amazon. So, what are you waiting for ?

available on CD - Mars, Pennsylvania (Bar/none)

glad tidings  performed by Van Morrisson  1970
Composed by Van Morrisson

These days van the man seems merely content going down the pub and making up another zzzz soul blues jam that makes him dream of his younger days. But boy did he make music once ! Especially this hidden gem of blue eyed soul with a dash of that brown eyed girl melody he does so well. Perfect for escaping a grey november day .

from Moondance, available on CD

Things you´ll keep  performed by The Apartments

A life full of farewells, everything´s given to be taken away, thank you for making me beg. With song titles that rivals Morrisseys Australias Peter Milton Walsh remains one of pops best kept secrets. Only putting out four albums in 20 years he could be described as the missing link between the more doom laden melodrama of The Triffids and the popstrumming of Go-Betweens. Maybe he is a bit too self absorbed to reach a wider audience but this lovely track, complete with trumpets, finds him in his best form.

from A life full of farewells
available on CD - a life full of farewells (Hot)

Out on the rebound for love  performed by Gangway
Composed by Henrik Balling

Danish pop anyone ? Not that i am an expert in the genre but danish group Gangway made some fine records in the eighties in the aztec camera, prefab sprout vein. Especially this fine track with acoustic guitars that attack you like swarming bees and just the right amount of romantic longing that is the trademark of the genre.

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