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jwmoz [profile] has recommended 4 tracks.
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Earth People  performed by Dr. Octagon  1997

"Dr. Octagon" is actually Kool Keith, who must have had something on the brain when this record was produced. This is my favorite song on the album, and it is a good representation of the the cool, controlled beats and inane, yet infectious lyrics present throughout. Dr. Octagon's words are on the same level as Eminem's in that they are not to be taken literally. Eminem took the gangsta/mysogyny route, Dr. Octagon took the thirteen year old boys immature babble about god-knows-what route. In any case, this song is fresh, and you can't help getting that little bob of your head going when you listen. When you catch yourself singing along, realize you sound like an idiot though.

available on CD - Dr. Octagonecologyst (Uni/Dream Works Records)

  27 Nov 03 ·spinspin: I was obbbbbsessed with Blue Flowers off that same-diddly-aim album for forever... he's got the smoothest sinister technobabble ever.
Perpetual Blues Machine  performed by Keb Mo  1996

This song is like buttered corn bread. So smooth, mildy, sweet,and homey, you'll want a porch, a rocking chair, a piece of wheat to chew on and a sunset in the south to listen to it.

available on CD - Just Like You (Sony/Columbia)

All I need is the girl  performed by Harry Connick, Jr.  1991
Composed by Sandra Church

The song is actually a show tune - originally from 'Gypsy'. The only place I know this version exists is off Harry Connick's laser disc - featuring a live performance from '91. Anyway, if you listen to Mel Torme belt out this showtune, it sounds, well, like a showtune. I'm not a big fan. It's kind of dimply cheeked-cheesy. Harry sings it like it's an absolute standard. Slows it down, gets a little soulsy and smooths it out... perfect crooner jazz. Unfortunately there is a good deal of talking and tap dancing breaking up the song.

Sincerely  performed by The Moonglows  1954

Absolutely classic & phenomenal doo-wop - my all time favorite of the genre. It makes me want to play stickball & start dating some chick who was 18 in 1954. Well, at least play stickball. Let's stick with that then.

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