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moondog [profile] has recommended 34 tracks.
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When you live life alone  performed by Sarah Shannon
Composed by Blake Wescott

To judge by the coverphoto of mrs Shannon this song doesn´t refer to her own personal situation. So, for at least this writer, to see that it was penned by her boyfriend at the time, Blake Wescott, makes a bit more sense. Anyroads, When you live life alone is one of those songs that could have been so much more. A bit properly edited and structured I believe that Burt Bacharach would have considered it among his best. Certainly, the verse is up there with the best burtinspired pop ever. In the chorus though, Barbra Streisand enters the stage and smudders it with a bit too much melodrama to make it the 24 carat gold classic of a song it could have been. But if you have read this far into the text do check it out.

from Sarah Shannon

Exaltacao e Lamento do ultimo rei  performed by José Mauro  1970
Composed by Jose Mauro

The soundtrack to november. This or any other year. Brazilian Jose Mauro only made one album before the brazilian military or drugs (info anyone ?)pulled him in but me oh my how beautful that record is.
If there could be such a thing as bossanova-blues than Jose Mauros "obnoxius" is the blueprint. Joses songs which comes along like a blend of early milton nascimento with doses of Marcos Valle and Edu Lobo. The album was arranged by gaya and is filled with wonderful string arrangements. One modern reference would be another Jose,namely,the swedish indietroubadour Jose Gonzales. The highlight of the album comes at the end, Excaltacao e lamento..,which sends shivers down my spine everytime i hear it.

from Obnoxius, available on CD (Quartin)

We´re here  performed by Guillemots  2006
Composed by Fyfe Dangerfield

I can´t remember the last time i was so excited by an english band. Guillemots seem to have everything that´s been lacking in a british pop band for the last couple of years. we´re here is a stringladen,anthemic pop song and when i´m listening to it everyone from a-ha, prefab sprout,scott walker is evoked but in the end it sounds only like the guillemots. Seriously lovely

from through the windowpane

  16 Aug 06 ·moondog: Oh, and look at the lovely video here ;
ma quale idea  performed by pino d�angie  1983

Italian disco-rap-pop from the early eighties that instantantly puts a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Anybody know more of mr pino or of tracks in the same genre ?

available on CD - back to mine - r�yksoup

  21 Jun 07 ·texjernigan: I don't know, but it shure is hip right now: check out ed banger records, specifically Justice's D.A.N.C.E.
  21 Jun 07 ·moondog: ah thanks for that, yes i�ve heard that. So i guess they have sampled it then. But what do you call the genre, italy disco, italy hits, i think i have heard something somewhere
melancholia  performed by blueboy  1996

from the bank of england

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