I didn't notice this great song the first time I heard it, but now that I have, I can't get out of my mind. This is one of Lee's sadder songs, but don't let that turn you away. The piano on here (played by Don Randi) reminds me SO MUCH of a specific Nick Cave song, but I haven't been able to place it. Didn't Lee and Nick perform together recently?
27 Jan 02 ·delicado: alas, my copy of this album is not with me, but yeah, Nick invited Lee to perform at the Meltdown festival in 1999, and I'm sure he was an influence. On a related note, Lee's song 'Forget Marie' starts off sounding exactly like the Tindersticks to me. I actually originally got into Lee through cover versions of 'A cheat' and 'Look at that woman' on early 90s releases by London bands Gallon Drunk and The Earls of Suave.
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