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You searched for ‘goofy’, which matched 12 songs.
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...The Collapse of Detective Dullight  performed by Of Montreal  2001
Recommended by two-headed boy [profile]

'The Events Leading up to the Collapse of Detective Dullight' is not a song but a narrative story, and it’s funny as hell. The off-kilter character voices of the already brilliant stream-of-consciousness plot are cartoonish enough for their own Saturday morning series. When the detectives start their investigation nothing makes sense. There’s Jell-O, serenading butterflies, file cabinets, murder, catacombs, and all the seasonings for a hilarious dream. I am usually brought to tears when Detective Slots reads from his revered exercise in free verse titled ‘The Cause of Gauze’. I will supply you with a sample:
"Oh, the cause of gauze. The Manuels have fondled many memories from my lap though each memory has its own lap and swimmers swim laps. Even swimmers have laps however and while in that condition many require a delicate gauze."
If you hear this without purchasing the actual album, 'Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimisical Verse,' then you are being cheated. The dreams of this band are as colorful as the illustrations they provide us in their album sleeves. The 'Where's Waldo' pictorial representations enrich the listening experience by engaging us in a journey deep into the frying-pan brains of these madmen. In fact, this is a perfect introduction into a very strange world of psychedelicado. Think the Beach Boy's 'Smile.' The reaction of my friends after hearing this have been harmoniously the same, 'they have to be on drugs.' The truth is Of Montreal are not on drugs, they are drugs.

from Coquelicot Asleep in the Poppies: A Variety of Whimsical Verse (Kindercore KC064)

Hammerhead’s apartment  performed by David Whitaker  1968
Recommended by delicado [profile]

This is a beautiful bossa-tinged theme with a great blend of strings and brass. The flute/trombone melody is accompanied by an incredibly rich and airy string sound, which swells as the melody builds. The strings alone compel me to listen to this track repeatedly – their remarkably thick, drenched sound recalls some of my favorite Ennio Morricone pieces (particularly those on the fantastic ‘Mondo Morricone’ compilation). Musically, the entire ‘Hammerhead’ score seems to have been influenced by John Barry's Bond scores, and by the less goofy parts of Burt Bacharach's ‘Casino Royale’ score. As well as being a haunting movie theme, this track has elements of that classic loungey film score sound from the mid-sixties.

from Hammerhead OST (Colgems)

  nighteye: This song is excellent! Haven't seen the movie starring Peter Vaughan yet, but the bossa sound reminds me of the early John Barry pieces. I can't stop listening to it! Thank you Jonny!
Hot Rod Rock  performed by Edd "Kookie" Brynes  1959
Recommended by JoNZ [profile]

Yes, it's shlocky, but the female voice (Joanie Sommers) goes from syrupy sweet to bad assed babe all in under three minutes. The song is basically about the fact that her boy only talks about his car until she pulls a switcheroo on her sweetness factor. Yes, I said switcheroo,...what of it? It's goofy, but I like it. One for the time capsule to be sure.

from Kookie (Warner Brothers 1309), available on CD

  singjohn: Joanie Sommers is the MOST! Even after something like 40+ years of recording she still has that "little girl-gone bad" sound to her voice. Very cute and sexy at the same time! Her stuff with "Kookie" is a snipet of a brief era in American Teen History. Times were simple and naive and kids were inventing their own language based on jazz musicians and beat poets. "Squares" didn't "dig it" and those who did were "cool, Daddy-o" (think Jets from West Side Story). Anybody interested in more about Joanie should look here:
  Rickybop: Hi Everyone! I'm new here, but I noticed a recommendation for this song by JoNZ stating that edd byrnes was accompanied by Jonnie Sommers. This is not true. The female singer's name is in fact Connie Stevens.
I respectfully submit this correction. You are so right-on about her voice, JoNZ, cute aaaand sexy...
also looked that way... one of my favorites. I love old-style hotrods, and related songs, and this one is right up my alley. I've found this song
on CD, Rhapsody, and Imesh. Be aware that iMesh will eventually disable your ability to play some downloaded songs (including this one) if you don't
agree to pay for a "renewal". Please share if you've found it elsewhere! God Bless Everybody!

  Rickybop: This is a humble retraction of my previous
"correction" statement. So sorry JoNZ, you were
apparently correct that Joanie Sommers, not Connie
Stevens sang with Ed Byrnes on the song "Hot Rod
Rock". Both female singers sound much alike. I've
contacted the site owner to delete my posts. Don't
want to mislead anyone...I'll be more careful next
time to triple-check my facts. Fun song, though.

Mama Blues  performed by Alvino Rey  1961
Recommended by delicado [profile]

From an excellent early hi-fi album, this is a hilarious slow blues number in which Alvino makes his steel guitar talk. In fact, he has a conversation with it. In spite of what you might think, this actually stands up to repeated listening, unlike the 'Talking Guitar' records made later in the sixties by Pete Drake, which I find harder to handle. Incidentally, I've never heard an Alvino Rey record I wasn't astounded by.

from His Greatest Hits (Dot DLP 3391)

Mr.Right  performed by Mickey Avalon
Recommended by llspazz [profile]

It's just fun and a feel good goofy song.

available on CD - Hollywood

nice weather for ducks  performed by lemon jelly
Recommended by licoricewhipped [profile]

this song reminds me of ireland. its so goofy & happy.

Ocean Man  performed by Ween  1997
Recommended by mattishere [profile]

wonderfully happy and goofy song

Prisencolinensinainciusol  performed by Adriano Celentano -  1972
Recommended by moondog [profile]

I can´t remember the last time i was so instantly blown away by a tune as i heard this song by italian actor/singer Adriano Celentano. Prisencolinensinainciusol may sound a bit goofy to some ears but to these ears at least it sounds nearly as infectious as the first time i heard garra" by marcos valle.

Tom jones meets eminem meets bollywood in seventies italy would be one apt description of the tune. Go to; to see the amazing videoclip of the tune.

oh, and can anyone recommend anything similarly good by adriano ?

from Nostal Rock (CGD)

Rock Lobster  performed by The B-52’s  1979
Recommended by dsalmones [profile]

The B-52's were one of several late-'70s bands for which there was no real category. With their modified surf guitar sound, their thrift-shop fashion sense, and their jokey demeanor, they certainly weren't in the rock & roll mainstream, but they exhibited none of punk's sneering rebelliousness or musical aggression, either � the only anarchy that seemed to interest the B-52's was of the sartorial variety. "Rock Lobster" was the first B-52's song to catch popular attention, and it's easy to see why. The minimalist guitar lick is like a beach-bum's rendition of the James Bond theme, the one-note organ ostinato complements it perfectly, and Fred Scheider's campy sprechgesang jumps out at you immediately. Yet despite the song's self-consciously weird texture and silly lyrics about earlobes falling off and communal towel coordination, there's a thread of darkness weaving through it. Make no mistake � this is not a song with hidden meaning lurking below the surface. But its surface is a little more complicated than it seems to be at first. For one thing, it's almost seven minutes long, and it does start to drag toward the end. Right when it does, you notice the mood getting darker � Schneider delivers lines about "having fun" and "baking in the sun" in a hoarse croak, and the guitar starts sounding repetitive in a slightly creepy way. Suddenly you realize that the whole song has been in a minor key, and as Schneider shouts and the guitar barks out its angular riff over and over, you start to wonder if maybe there's some kind of commentary going on here. But then Kate Pierson's angelic voice comes in with a surprisingly pretty falling harmony part that can only be described as a descant, which repeats several times, gradually paring itself down to a single phrase, and abruptly the song is over. The whole song ends up being a goofy party confection with a slightly crunchy center � a pretty satisfying overall flavor combination.

from The B-52's, available on CD

Rye Bread  performed by Edd Kalehoff  197?
Recommended by scrubbles [profile]

The name and artist may not be familiar, but I defy anyone not to smile in recognition at "Rye Bread". It was a composition that Edd Kalehoff conceived in the '70s as background music for the game show classic "The Price Is Right". It's not surprising why some of Kalehoff's cues are still in use today - they're much more imaginative and groovy than mere background music needs to be. "Rye Bread"'s peppy arrangement is fantastic (dig those drum fills!), and it never fails to put me in a goofy, "avocado pant suit" kinda mood.

Salt Peanuts  performed by The Quintet  1953
Recommended by tinks [profile]

What a magnificent performance. This album has long been considered the greatest live jazz album of all time, for a number of reasons. 1. The Lineup: Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Charles Mingus, Bud Powell & Max Roach, each of whom was at their peak of mastery of their instruments. 2: It was recorded in Canada, so Parker's usual endorsement deal for a particular brand of saxophone was void, meaning he was able to play a special Grafton plastic sax that had been given him. 3. Parker had a clear head, since he was, for the time being, clean & sober. Any track on this album could have been my selection, but I've chosen this. The band bashes it's way through Gillespie's hit, and Bird tears everything to shreds in reaction to Dizzy's goofy vocal. A thoroughly sublime recording from start to finish. If you only own one bop album, it may as well be this.

from Jazz at Massey Hall, available on CD

That's Nice  performed by Neil Christian  1966
Recommended by tinks [profile]

A goofy, yet endearing, ripoff of Chuck Berry's "Memphis", which I really cannot explain the attraction of.

from the single That's Nice (Strike)
available on CD - 1962-73 (See For Miles)

  Swinging London: This was a big hit on Britain's pirate radio stations back in 1966. His next song 'Oops' was also very good.

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