...The Collapse of Detective Dullight performed by Of Montreal
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Hammerhead’s apartment performed by David Whitaker
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: This song is excellent! Haven't seen the movie starring Peter Vaughan yet, but the bossa sound reminds me of the early John Barry pieces. I can't stop listening to it! Thank you Jonny!
Hot Rod Rock performed by Edd "Kookie" Brynes

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: Joanie Sommers is the MOST! Even after something like 40+ years of recording she still has that "little girl-gone bad" sound to her voice. Very cute and sexy at the same time! Her stuff with "Kookie" is a snipet of a brief era in American Teen History. Times were simple and naive and kids were inventing their own language based on jazz musicians and beat poets. "Squares" didn't "dig it" and those who did were "cool, Daddy-o" (think Jets from West Side Story). Anybody interested in more about Joanie should look here: http://www.homestead.com/joaniesommers/
: Hi Everyone! I'm new here, but I noticed a recommendation for this song by JoNZ stating that edd byrnes was accompanied by Jonnie Sommers. This is not true. The female singer's name is in fact Connie Stevens.
I respectfully submit this correction. You are so right-on about her voice, JoNZ, cute aaaand sexy...
also looked that way... one of my favorites. I love old-style hotrods, and related songs, and this one is right up my alley. I've found this song
on CD, Rhapsody, and Imesh. Be aware that iMesh will eventually disable your ability to play some downloaded songs (including this one) if you don't
agree to pay for a "renewal". Please share if you've found it elsewhere! God Bless Everybody!
: This is a humble retraction of my previous
"correction" statement. So sorry JoNZ, you were
apparently correct that Joanie Sommers, not Connie
Stevens sang with Ed Byrnes on the song "Hot Rod
Rock". Both female singers sound much alike. I've
contacted the site owner to delete my posts. Don't
want to mislead anyone...I'll be more careful next
time to triple-check my facts. Fun song, though.
Mama Blues performed by Alvino Rey
Mr.Right performed by Mickey Avalon

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nice weather for ducks performed by lemon jelly

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Ocean Man performed by Ween

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Prisencolinensinainciusol performed by Adriano Celentano -
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Rock Lobster performed by The B-52’s

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Rye Bread performed by Edd Kalehoff

Salt Peanuts performed by The Quintet

That's Nice performed by Neil Christian
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: This was a big hit on Britain's pirate radio stations back in 1966.
His next song 'Oops' was also very good.