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You searched for ‘bachelor’, which matched 4 songs.
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bachelorette  performed by bjork
Recommended by morning belle [profile]

Ancient Ritual  performed by Henry Mancini  1961
Recommended by nighteye [profile]

Does it get more relaxed than this? Luscious strings with vibraphones and a trombone in the background. This is the ultimate cocktail party song for the ultimate 'Bachelor themed' movie, too bad it isn't available on DVD yet.

available on CD - Bachelor In Paradise Original Soundtrack

Diamonds Are Forever  performed by The Bachelors  1971
Recommended by bobbyspacetroup [profile]

The kind of overlooked track that makes Frank Jastfelder and Stefan Kassel's soundtrack series so great. I find this a very refreshing take on the familiar James Bond theme. Ivor Raymonde's arrangment really sells the composition in the context of the Lettermen-styled vocal harmonies of the Bachelors without losing any of the energy of the John Barry/Shirley Bassey original. I particularly like the way Raymonde implements the steel guitar here.

available on CD - The Mad, Mad World Of Soundtracks, Vol. 2 (Universal/Motor [Germany])

Apocalypso  performed by The Monochrome Set  1980
Recommended by whoops [profile]

Come closer and listen carefully, this is the best kept secret of the so called music industry.
The Monochrome Set have changed my life and the ones of thousands (Well..maybe hundreds..ok, maybe 5 or 10). They came out of nowhere in the late seventies with a serie of singles on Rough Trade and were signed by Virgin in 1980 for 2 albums then by Cherry Red for a third one (Eligible bachelors) and by Warner for the last one (The lost week end). It is not an easy task to describe their music, it is always unpredictable, brilliant, clever and funny.

To finish, this is a quote from the cover of their second album :
"Once this record is in the house two's company and four is a party, roll back the carpet, switch out the light and dance in the glow of the firelight as the Monochrome Set provide your very own music far from the maddening crowd of the dancehalls"

Oh by the way, Apocalypso is an exquisite little song with a marimba and percussion break.

from Love zombies (Virgin)

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