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14 tracks performed by smashing pumpkins have been recommended.
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Zero  performed by Smashing Pumpkins  1995
Recommended by Celainn [profile]

from Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (Virgin 40861), available on CD

Appels + Oranjes  performed by Smashing Pumpkins  1998
Recommended by Groucho_75 [profile]

Apart from their hit songs, I have only recently got into The Smashing Pumpkins and this track stands out for me as brilliant. Great lyrics and a steady pumping beat make this difficult to not listen to over and over again. I think you need to invest time in their songs before you start to like them. That was definately the case with this song, on first listening it didn't really stand out, but now I would put it alongside 'Ava Adore' as one of the best tracks on the album 'Adore'. Also listening to 'Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness' at the moment, another album that grows on you once you put the time in.

from Adore, available on CD

  27 Jul 03 ·yesihk: Agreed. This is my favorite track off of Adore. I'm normally not one for the pulsing techno-esque sound, but this is just so different from anything like that that I've ever heard. It has a certain understated ambience that I think makes this song so listenable. Really evokes a specific mood. Like most of the tracks on this cd, it takes a few listens to really appreciate it to its full extent. Some advice: don't dismiss Adore as "bland" or "folky" after your first listen as I did. Don't have any previous expectations, either, (i.e. it's not going to be another Mellon Collie, okay?) or disappointment is inevitable. You just need to hear it for what it is, and not just as another Smashing Pumpkins album. Give it a few thorough listens, and I promise it will grow on you. Or else you can go running back to Zero. :)
Soma  performed by Smashing Pumpkins  1993
Recommended by Gwendolyn [profile]

I just love this song. The first time I heard was while I was in high school... My english class was studying A Brave New World and my teacher played this song. It's so peaceful at the beginning and takes a lovely turn at the end when the peace is shattered.

from Siamese Dream

Today  performed by Smashing Pumpkins
Recommended by Shes lost control [profile]

Mayonaise  performed by Smashing Pumpkins
Recommended by Shes lost control [profile]

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