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180 tracks from 1968 have been recommended.
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whitchi tai to  performed by Harper’s Bizare  1968
Recommended by gaymod [profile]

since this tune entered my life, about a year ago,it has been my obssession, i've collected together about 10 other versions, including the original by Jim Pepper & a live bootleg recording from 3 years ago by Plush. Based around a red indian chant, it's trance like beauty propels the listener to the nearest faraway place, the white vocal harmony performance has never been beaten by anyone, beach boys included. Check out the Brewer and Shipley version too.

from harper's bizare 4 (warners)
available on CD - harpers bizare 4

if i can dream  performed by elvis presley  1968
Recommended by gaymod [profile]

being a recent vistor to this wonderous site, i am slightly shocked by the lack of E.P. This song is the finale of the 68 comeback special, and proves that this white boy can rip the shit out of any ' niggar' gospel singer. This is Presley's greatest vocal performance

Old Brown Shoe  performed by The Beatles  1968
Recommended by chris kane [profile]

Vastly under-rated. I hear Ringo was involved with the writing so I guess its his humor that I like

from Past Masters 2 (EMI)

We Must Be Doing Something Right  performed by Gordian Knot  1968
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

This track is pure, unadulterated soft rock/sunshine pop heaven. This could easily be mistaken for a lost Association gem with beautifully arranged vocal harmonies by Hi-Los'Clark Burroughs, who, in fact, also produced "Never My Love" and "Windy" (and the rest of the "Insight Out" album for The Association). Combined with a slightly baroque sounding harpsicord, organ, xylophone embellishments and highly idealistic lyrics it makes a lovely piece of sunhsine pop.

from Tones (Verve V6-5062)

Sympathy For the Devil  performed by The Rolling Stones  1968
Recommended by xfanatic50 [profile]

With the wild African rhythms, yelped back-up vocals and honky-tonk piano, this song is bizarre and crazed and lot of fun. Lyrically it's also very cool with Mick Jagger singing from the persona of a very gentlemanly and straightforward Satan. It's also incredibly timeless and influential. Listen to Outkast's recent album, or the Libertines, or the Music and you can hear shades of this song without a doubt.

from Beggar's Banquet (Abko)

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