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120 tracks from 2000 have been recommended.
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Filthy Mind  performed by Amanda Ghost  2000
Recommended by parlop [profile]

a wonderful production, this song features a good mix of stereotypical rock and dance sounds with Amanda's raspy vocals. i wish i heard it dance clubs more often.

from Ghost Stories

A Tijuca Em Cinemascope  performed by Ed Motta  2000
Recommended by Festy [profile]

This really is the stand-out track from Ed Motta's 2000 album, "As Segundas Inten��es Do Manual Pr�tico". On this album, and in albums since, Ed seems to span jazz-latin reluctantly with pop. The rest of the album, bar a couple of tracks, is a fairly straight forward pop affair, but the song writing on his albums since have been a lot more adventurous and in this vein, but nothing has matched it since.

from As Segundas Inten��es Do Manual Pr�tico, available on CD

Yellow  performed by Coldplay  2000
Recommended by izumi [profile]

I don't think this song needs an introduction because love or hate Coldplay, most people should know this song by now. It's their most famous anthem, and is a truly beautiful song. The melody and harmonies sound amazing, and Chris Martin's vocals are really outstanding. The lyrics are really cool, and the guitar/bass sound great as well. And as I type, I'm 3 hours away from seeing them live at Crystal Palace! ^_^ Five out of five.

from Parachutes (Parlophone 5277832)

The Cure For Broken Hearts  performed by ANT  2000
Recommended by kkkerplunkkk [profile]

If you like your pop, soft and acoustic with witty lyrics, then check this out! 'I'd give up all my selfish little dreams to be in hers' coos ANT over a strummed acoustic, brushed snare drum and tinkling Wurlitzer piano.

from Cures For Broken Hearts, available on CD

Even If You Dont  performed by Ween  2000
Recommended by Gwendolyn [profile]

This is such a fun song.. the lyrics outline this crazy relationship "I was happy this mornin/ you finally got yourself dressed/ eating raw bacon/ it's okay I was still impressed" It's got a happy beat w/ piano in the background. Love it.

from White Pepper

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