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28 tracks on Virgin have been recommended.
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Samba no p�  performed by Blue Rondo  1984
Recommended by whoops [profile]

First of all the whole album is a mess, this track alone stands as a diamond on a pile of crap. Reminiscent of what Pigbag played earlier in the eighties, this samba oriented track is a pretty good one. Joao Bosco is credited playing pandero and agogo.

from Bees knees &chickens elbows (Virgin)

Apocalypso  performed by The Monochrome Set  1980
Recommended by whoops [profile]

Come closer and listen carefully, this is the best kept secret of the so called music industry.
The Monochrome Set have changed my life and the ones of thousands (Well..maybe hundreds..ok, maybe 5 or 10). They came out of nowhere in the late seventies with a serie of singles on Rough Trade and were signed by Virgin in 1980 for 2 albums then by Cherry Red for a third one (Eligible bachelors) and by Warner for the last one (The lost week end). It is not an easy task to describe their music, it is always unpredictable, brilliant, clever and funny.

To finish, this is a quote from the cover of their second album :
"Once this record is in the house two's company and four is a party, roll back the carpet, switch out the light and dance in the glow of the firelight as the Monochrome Set provide your very own music far from the maddening crowd of the dancehalls"

Oh by the way, Apocalypso is an exquisite little song with a marimba and percussion break.

from Love zombies (Virgin)

Picturama / The Middle Bit / Soul Surrender  performed by The Motors  1978
Recommended by john_l [profile]

The B-side of the 12" single "Airport", this seems to be the Motors' forgotten song, although Virgin is about the most clueless of record companies when it comes to re-releases and best-ofs. This 8:15 track is a rollicking piano-driven stomper which gets into the groove right away and holds it throughout. The three parts do have the same tempo but it works a treat.

What You Don’t Want To Hear  performed by Sam Phillips  1992
Recommended by Yammer [profile]

The former Leslie Phillips once recorded songs sold in Christian supply stores, disguising (presumably) the moist, carnal, and otherwise unholy drives behind The Indescribable Wow, her first release on the in-retrospect-mildly-ironic Virgin label. At a time when those of us with unslaked appetites for well-crafted Beatlesque pop were having to suck it up and try to get into rap or grunge, The Indescribable Wow appeared like a shimmering beacon of joy. This track's music is as perky and sunny as the beginning of a summertime fling, while Phillips's yearning voice and cutting lyrics have the sad truthfulness of the ending of a summertime fling.

from The Indescribable Wow (Virgin)

A Really Good Time  performed by Roxy Music  1974
Recommended by robert[o] [profile]

I know, one is supposed to defer to the Eno-epoch Roxy Music, (and the first two LPs are the end of the world), but this may well be the band's most serene momment. Bryan Ferry is at the top his game here - his vocals are heavenly, his lyrics are brilliantly/brutally witty. Add the floating layers of "Melody Nelson" damaged strings and the effect is dazzling.

from Country Life, available on CD (Virgin)

  21 Jun 04 ·kath: "all the things you used to do.. a trip to the movies, a drink or two...they don't satisfy you, they don't tell you anything new" perfect song by Roxy at its very height... please keep your recommendations coming, Roberto.
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