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17 tracks on 4AD have been recommended.
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King Ink  performed by The Birthday Party  1980
Recommended by phil [profile]

All birthday party songs are pretty much the same - start the drums, then the bass, and repeat these till the end of the song. Meanwhile, Nick rants over the top, and guitars come in at the dramatic bits. Sounds bad I know, but once you have listened to them about a hundred times, they suddenly become absolutely incredible. This is my favourite one - the unbelievably low bass line kicks in, and Nick yells such gems as "Express yourself! Say something! Say something! Like 'Er'! Or 'Um'! or 'Er'!" For about 6 minutes. Brilliant.

from Live 1981-82 (4AD CAD9005), available on CD

Where is my mind?  performed by Pixies  1988
Recommended by delicado [profile]

I still find this song as compelling as I did ten years ago. It's simple, crisp, and beautiful, opening with an other-worldly high-pitched vocal hum which is soon joined by a picked electric guitar sound and some tight drums. It's really nothing like anything else I like, but somehow the shouted vocals and indie-rock setting really appeal to me on this track. One of 20 or 30 songs which transport me back to my late teens amazingly vividly.

from Surfer Rosa (4AD), available on CD

She's hit  performed by The Birthday Party  1982
Recommended by phil [profile]

Ah - yet another classic about killing women. Cave is excelling himself here - it opens with the immortal line 'there is woman-pie in here.' This one breaks from the standard Birthday Party template - first drums, then bass, then nick, then guitars - by doing all the above, but with the mental leap of playing it at a quarter of the normal speed. The highlight is the inevitable moment when Nick says 'And all the girls across the world.....
hit. '
MAGNIFICENT. Why didn't the sugarhill gang sing it that way?

As far as I know, this the only song bassist Tracy Pew is credited with writing. His part is pretty obvious. It's the bass line.

from Live 1981-82 (4AD CAD9005)
available on CD - Junkyard (Mute)

Mercy Seat  performed by Ultra Vivid Scene  1988
Recommended by Genza [profile]

A tinny drum machine, a big slab of discordant fuzz guitar and a droney voice. Fabulous. Making music in your bedroom has never sounded so fabulous.

from Ultra Vivid Scene (4AD CAD809CD)

  09 Mar 02 ·Lenoir: totally ok. The guy behind the scene was Kurt Raskle and I never ever heard again about him...could anyone tell me what became of him? The Mercy Seat is still one of the most exciting mind blowing tunes I've ever known
Aikea-Guinea  performed by Cocteau Twins  1985
Recommended by delicado [profile]

A perfect song. I love every note. The mood is desolate, yet warm and reassuring as well. The bassline and guitar playing recall some of the great early-period New Order tracks. The track fades in beautifully with bass, drums, and guitar. The drums and bass are steady, while the effects-laden guitar shimmers over the top. Liz Fraser's vocal is at first understated, until the chorus begins. Her voice soars as a simple piano sound joins the mix. The chords are simple, almost inevitable, but the instrumentation and execution are quite stunning.

Happily, you can hear this song and see the original video at the Cocteau Twins official site:

from the single Aikea-Guinea (4AD BAD501)
available on CD - Aikea-Guinea (4AD)

  23 Mar 06 ·audioadventures: Another one of my favourites of all time. Gives me goosebumps.
  26 Mar 06 ·leonthedog: Yes, I remember playing this EP over and over back when it was only on vinyl... Although "Kookaburra" is, in my opinion, even more heavenly! Like angels comforting you...
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