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470 tracks from UK have been recommended.
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The world is outside  performed by The Ghosts  2007
Recommended by Issie [profile]

I love this song because its got a good beat to it and this makes it really catchy. I think the verses are a bit boring and repetive, but the chorus is amazing!

The World is Outside  performed by The Ghosts  2007
Recommended by Issie [profile]

I love this song ! I heard of them a little while back now but I never really got into them - until i heard this song! It's catchy and its got a good rhythm to it- I have been looking for a great song like this for ages!! I recommend it to you if you like bands like Keane and Coldplay! its a great song so listen to it its on youtube!

When the Wind Blows  performed by David Bowie  1986
Recommended by Mike [profile]

I discovered this work of absolute genius today - it was on a 3 disc Bowie compilation ("The Platinum Collection") which a colleague was playing at work.

The song starts with an echoey 80s drum sound with a repeated guitar riff, behind which we begin to hear a beautiful chord sequence played on the synth. The riff drops out and Bowie sings a fantastic melody over the chord sequence, which takes many subtle and grand turns. The song has a relatively complicated construction and instrumentation.

And There Will Your Heart Be Also  performed by Fields of the Nephilim  1990
Recommended by Sundayborn [profile]

One of the most melancholic songs in rock music. I can listen it over and over again.

from Elizium

Nobody Loves Us  performed by Morrissey  1995
Recommended by FlyingDutchman1971 [profile]

This summer marks the 20th year of the release of 'Strangeways Here We Come' and the disintegration of the Smiths. *sigh* I was compelled to grab a stack of Morrissey CD singles as the soundtrack to my work day today and ended up playing this track several times over while stuck in the cube farm.

from Dagenham Dave - UK CD Single, available on CD

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