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16 tracks from Finland have been recommended.
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Fadeaway  performed by Laika and the Cosmonauts  1990
Recommended by delicado [profile]

No one talks about this band much. Not in my experience, anyway. It's all instrumental, so I guess they're not for people who are lost without vocals and lyrics. But have a listen - to me they really seem utterly superb. I would love to see them live.

I only have a couple of albums, but they're great. This one was released in 1996 (shit - that was 9 years ago!), but recorded in 1990. Really beautiful twangy surf-pop that fits in perfectly with the whole David Lynch mood that I find so appealing. The album is an intoxicating mix of energetic surf tracks and slower, more atmospheric ones like this. Their recent 'Local Warming' album is great too. Can anyone recommend me any more of their tracks?

from Zero Gravity (Upstart 006), available on CD

  06 Mar 05 ·olli: Yeah, they're certainly one of the better neo-surf acts out there. See Laika! Se Laika run! Go laika, go!
Azure Blue  performed by Laika and the Cosmonauts  1995
Recommended by delicado [profile]

My obsession with this band continues. From a CD that failed to sell on ebay for 50 cents comes this amazing cut - a beautiful instrumental with prominent guitar and organ. While it's surf influenced, it goes beyond that. I'm kind of lost for words, but it's one of those 'This is the best track ever' tracks. You know what I mean?

from The Amazing Colossal band (Upstart Upstart 010), available on CD

stoned on monkey island 2000  performed by puola
Recommended by uporo [profile]

available on CD - Invisible Sightseeing (rikos records)

If The Price Is Right  performed by Hero Dishonest  200?
Recommended by Durruti [profile]

The Finnish ultra speed hardcore. There are two vocals. Both are screaming all the time. One Of them is macho, "tough guy" style. It can be nice introduction to Hero Dishonest.

from Juggernaut, available on CD

Not Enough Bodybags  performed by Hero Dishonest  200?
Recommended by Durruti [profile]

It starts with a funny intro taken from a movie (I think). It's ultra speed hc. Very good, clever lyrics (antiwar). THE BEST CONTEMPORARY FINNISH OLD SCHOOL HC.

from Juggernaut, available on CD

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