PiL's first single (from 1979, just after the Sex Pistols broke up) has this big drum sound, new for it's time as far as I know. It still kills today. Same for the bass. And ecstatic lead guitar makes this one of those punk rock anthems. One amazing trio of instrumentalists back up a sneering Lydon, who sure hadn't used up all his ideas & talent in the Sex Pistols.
from Are you Ready for Public Image (virgin UK), available on CD
15 Jul 02 ·penelope_66: i love that song--the bass line!...but am not fortunate enough to have the 1st record. i'm also a big fan of "poptones" off their second edition lp.
Originally sort of a mellow song, here is someone really belting it out. With a swinging big band, Kim, (who I've thought of as a soul singer mainly)
really rocks.
This story-song uses an imposing repeating piano riff, 12 string guitar, a little tasteful organ, and dramatic wistful strings as it recounts someone's first, well, lay. On a hot June day/night the singer loses his virginity with a older Southern belle. The version on the Honey CD though isn't as good as the original Bobby Goldsboro vinyl- it seems too lavishly produced, and is from the Summer of '42 soundtrack.
05 Aug 03 ·Arthur: Millie Jackson covered this song and takes all the saccharine out of it! 29 Apr 06 ·pottymoon: 'Summer the first time' by Bobby G doesn't have an ounce of Saccharine, it is a powerfully evocative track taking me back to when I was 19 (and that's 32 years ago!)so completely that I can smell, taste and feel everything as if I'd dropped back into 1973 from a time machine! And if you think that I write with Saccharine, then hey,I get paid for it! 30 May 08 ·commonsense: I am just listening to this tack as I am typing and it really is an excellent example for nostalgia. The way the song is constructed makes it easily slip into your mind and float downstream to past encounters...