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xfanatic50 [profile] has recommended 46 tracks.
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There She Goes  performed by The Las  1990
Composed by Mavers

The most perfect pop single ever from a band that only ever had the one perfect song off of the one perfect album.

from The Las (Go!)

I�m Bound to Pack it Up  performed by The White Stripes  2001

A beautiful but simple guitar ballad, with Jack White foregoing his usual vocal theatrics and screeching. This song utilized really beautiful viola, one of the only times the band ever used outside instruments for a song. The most polished, elegant and beautiful of any of the White Stripes' songs.

from De Stijl

Ball and Biscuit  performed by The White Stripes  2003
Composed by White

The White Stripes' longest song at seven minutes, this song is amazing.
Jack White tells you how it is, and his voice takes on a sexy, drawn-out drawl. "I may not be your third man, girl/But it's a fact that I'm your seventh son". Genius.

from Elephant

Lost in the Supermarket  performed by The Clash  1979
Composed by Jones/Strummer

Melancholy, lonely and beautiful. Proof of the versatility and intellligence of the Clash's music.

from London Calling (Epic)

I�m The Man Who Loves You  performed by Wilco  2002
Composed by Bennett/Tweedy

The brief respite from all of the wild experimentation on the rest of the album, this track is Wilco gettting back to their country roots, while still exploring country's boundaries. Fun and joyful, filled with some rocking electric guitar not found on the rest of the album, this song is an much needed uptempo break on an album full of beautiful introspective ballads and acoustic sing-alongs.

from Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (Sundazed)

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