brilliant version of the marvin gaye classic. the funk bassline, primitive drumming and the sheer energy of ari up's semi-braying vocals is what makes the song for me. often i find the slits' songs a bit directionless, but this one really hits the spot. look into miy window while this is playing. chances are i'll be doing some sort of jerky white guy- dance.
available on CD - cut (bonus track) (antilles)
11 Feb 05 ·Ricard: Totally agree... straight from the ominous chanty intro and drum break this one really makes you want to dance.
Its always funny when artists title things in that self referential way, "Instant Hit," as though predicting the public's response. The Slits know its a good track, and they know that we'll like it, and they name it that to make us feel as though our tastes are predictable. That's my theory anyway, trying to make you feel stupid for liking an enjoyable track! And it is, it's great, and I don't really like any of the other tracks on the album.