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21 tracks performed by Modest Mouse have been recommended.
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Other People’s Lives  performed by Modest Mouse
Recommended by Sulku [profile]

My favourite Modest Mouse song.

Paper Thin Walls  performed by Modest Mouse
Recommended by TinaThor [profile]

Other Peoples Lives  performed by Modest Mouse  1999
Recommended by belly [profile]

From the 1999 'Building something out of nothing' album. uses interesting rhythm on guitar. another interseting song from this thoughtful alternative band.

neverending math equation  performed by modest mouse
Recommended by eggplantia5 [profile]

one of my favorites from modest mouse. while they certainly have a distinctive sound, i think they manage to make each of their songs rather unique. this is one of the songs that encapsulate just about everything i love about modest mouse. it's just a quirky sound, with terrific lyrics.

  04 Nov 03 ·heinmukk: some additional information would be nice. e.g. what kind of music is this? i mean..punk or indie or...? by the way this is the only feature i miss about this lovely site: every song should have a category in which its musicstyle is saved. you know, like in those mp3-tags. then you would have a nice search button for all bossa nova songs for example! :)
Teeth Like God’s Shoeshine  performed by Modest Mouse  1997
Recommended by kaptnunderpnts [profile]

give this song one good, patient listen all the way through and it will begin to grow on you and will get better and better. a redeeming song in the end that comes full circle very nicely. it seems a bit discordant at first, but modest mouse does a very good job of keeping their more discordant songs very tight. a great song. in fact, i'm going to put it on now. the rest of this album- lonesome crowded west- has some other great songs as well. which i guess i'll recommend individually later.

from Lonesome Crowded West

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