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5 tracks performed by Chris Montez have been recommended.
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Dindi (Jin-Jee)  performed by Chris Montez  1967
Recommended by Swinging London [profile]

Chris Montez had two musical periods. Two shots at the limelight.

It's his second musical era (1966-68) that I like the most.

In 1966, Herb Alpert produced 'The More I see You' & with it, Chris had a huge international smash single. It was a cover of a 1940's tune given a sort of 1966 Beverly Hills treatment & was very nice.

Unfortunately the pairing of Chris & Herb didn't produce anymore hit singles but they went on to make four very nice albums.

This song is from the third album, 'Foolin'Around' and it's one of my favourite Chris Montez songs.

There have been a few retrospective Chris Montez compilations and they always seem to leave this song out, which, frankly, baffles me.

It's sort of Rio meets Beverly Hills 1967 in sound.

It's also my favourite version of the song which was also covered by Astrud Gilberto and I believe, many others.

from Foolin' Around (A & M)

Foolin' Around  performed by Chris Montez  1967
Recommended by Swinging London [profile]

'We won't do anything that shouldn't be done, only the groovy things like having fun'...& there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, in my book.

This is the title track to Chris Montez's third album with A&M, produced by Herb Alpert & it's very, very sweet, but, for some reason not sickly so. That's the magic of mid-'sixties Chris Montez.

This song was almost a hit in Britain. It was released just as the pirate radio stations were about to be banned. It was 'Record Of The Week' on Radio London the week it was shut down and sadly never grabbed it's deserved foothold after that.

A lot of people are taken aback by how high Chris's voice was when he sang, but once you get over that, his music from the A&M era (1966-8) is strangely addictive. Very warm and melodic.

He did mostly cover songs, mostly 'hits of the day', but also generous helpings of classics from the 1940's & '50's. Always giving them a brand new very mid-'sixties treatment.

from Foolin' Around (A & M)

The Face I Love  performed by Chris Montez  1968
Recommended by heinmukk [profile]

nice one! i discovered chris montez lately and i like what he has done.
this song is a cover of astrud gilbertos song from the album "beach samba" (which i didn't recognize until reading it at and begins with a nice organ-melody as an intro. i especially like the sound of that organ, it's a very sweet and not to heavy one. so that it fits perfect into the mood of this song and giving it a little more sweetness.
as always chris montez sings like a woman and if one doesn't know this it wouldn't be necessarily clear to one. (correct english....?)
while searching for chris montez stuff i came across "the more i see you" performed by montez which was covered last year by a onehitwonderband here in germany and you couldn't escape to hear it at least twice a day no matter where you were leaving and going. the cover was very strict arranged along montez' version. i wonder how i would think of the montez original if this onehitwonder band wouldn't have done this cruelty?!
anyway, last years summer was great anyway...(sex every day...)
and now, you go and listen to that montez guy!!

from watch what happens
available on CD - Digitally Remastered Best

Spooky  performed by Chris Montez  1968
Recommended by konsu [profile]

If anyone could improve this Classics IV ditty, it's the adorable Mr. Montez!

Although the arrangement doesn't change much, (it didn't need to) Nick De Caro did add some nice little "effects" that really set the mood. Like a cool bit of "spooky" delay/filter effecting after the refrain...nice.

Montez's voice just seems to add to the story of the song. Like a guy like him could get spooked by a chick more than your average dude... he's sensitive.

Great Grusin-like organ solo too... That just nails it for me!

from Watch What Happens (A&M SP 4157)

Call Me  performed by Chris Montez  1966
Recommended by opl3003 [profile]

Okay. I might reveal more about myself than this terrific song in this review, but that's the way it's gotta be.

I have an unhealthy obsession with Chris Montez, and thanks to me - now my girlfriend does, too. We have many theories about Chris Montez, but I'll get to that later.

First of all, on the back of this album, Derek Taylor writes a few paragraphs about the immortal Mr. Montez. In one of them he writes of how he first heard this song.. and he thought the DJ on the radio said "Miss Montez". Ouch. I mean, we all know he sounds like a girl - but that's a cheap shot. I'm sure he's just angry because Chris gets way more bitches. Way more. Look at the front cover of this album. Three girls, one Chris Montez. Hell, the one in the front looks like she could be his mom - but that's besides the point. The point is, Chris Montez is the ultimate playboy. Don't worry, I'll explain.

Now here is where some of my theories about Chris come in. "Call Me" sounds like it's live. Call me crazy, but I think I have the entire song figured out. Chris recorded this song from his bed. In fact, I think he recorded this whole album from his bed. In one take. He belts out smooth songs so effortlessly, I just can't picture him standing in a booth somewhere doing each song over and over. Like I said, this song sounds live. I think they wheeled his bed into a club. You can hear some guy saying "Yeah, Chris" at the end of one of the choruses.. and even glasses tapping together. That's because when Chris Montez comes to town, it's a party. The claps you hear? That's the girls in his bed keeping the beat. Probably the 3 women from the cover of the album, and most likely a few more.

Now, back to the song. Written by Tony Hatch and arranged by Herb Albert - it's a winner. And it's Chris Montez telling you to call him if you need him, because he "can be so warm and tender". Need I say more? Chris Montez: the ulimate playboy.

from The More I See You / Call Me (A&M LP-115)

  20 May 06 ·Swinging London: 'That's because when Chris Montez comes to town, it's a party' So funny. So true.
  22 May 06 ·eftimihn: Missed this review the first time 'round. Very funny indeed and a thoroughly good theory for sure.

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