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8 tracks performed by Ani Difranco have been recommended.
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Hell Yeah  performed by Ani DiFranco
Recommended by CaitlinSpelledWrong [profile]

This has to be one of my top bagillion faviorate songs, and I know a Bagillion is a lot but I love a lot of songs. The song is a little kiddy because it's about a crush, but we've all experienced crushes and the song has a beautiful harmony at the end.
"Because I like you, I know that you don't know it, I like you so much I talk to everyone but you, and I wonder what you'd think of this little number, yeah I wonder what you'd say if you knew."

Fuel  performed by Ani Difranco
Recommended by Reina [profile]

A smart, funny rant -- half talking, half singing. Political as any of her music, but less angry and more mocking. Very cool. Even if you don't like Ani, this one deserves a listen.

"...all the radios agree with all the tvs, and the magazines agree with all the radios and I keep hearing that same damn song everywhere I go! Maybe I should put a bucket over my head and a marshmallow in each ear, and stumble around for another dumb, numb week for another humdrum hit song to appear."

Heroine  performed by Ani DiFranco
Recommended by Shes lost control [profile]

Not A Pretty Girl  performed by Ani Difranco  1995
Recommended by hopefully86 [profile]

I notice a few of her songs are on here, appropriately, because she is an amazing singer/songwriter/musician. Her lyrics are quirky and edgy, but also catchy. "Not a Pretty Girl" is basically saying 'hey, i don't need to be rescued, so get lost little boy".

available on CD - Not a Pretty Girl

Serpentine  performed by Ani Difranco
Recommended by jeni [profile]

The lyrics make me want to punch a wall.

from Evolve (Righteous Babe Records)

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