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121 tracks from 2002 have been recommended.
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Juneau  performed by Funeral for a Friend  2002
Recommended by izumi [profile]

I think this song has an unusual and interesting melody. The verses are particularly memorable, and the guitar/bass line are really great. The lyrics are actually quite repetitive but it still manages to sound very innovative and thought provoking.

from Casually Dressed and Deep in Conversation (East West 2564609472)

Any Girl Can Make Me Smile  performed by ANT  2002
Recommended by kkkerplunkkk [profile]

A beautiful, soft, sad, fragile piece about a couple breaking up and bursting into tears as they do. Incredible for its intimate feel and sparse instrumentation (voice, organ, harmonica, egg shaker) chilling lyrics 'you close your eyes but there's no paradise, you count the cost of all we've lost and all we've wasted'. It hits the nail bang on the head! Love it to bits.

from A Long Way To Blow A Kiss, available on CD (Fortune and Glory)

Alice  performed by Tom Waits  2002
Recommended by Davidthesaint [profile]

The album is one of my favourite-albums of all times. And the song itself is one of the most beautiful songs I know... the lyrics, the melody, the arrangement...

available on CD - Alice (Anti)

the empty page  performed by sonic youth  2002
Recommended by complacentbasement [profile]

very grassrootsy sound, simple, melodic beautiful guitar, great bass, expertly recorded drums, sincere vocals, it's just an all-around beautiful track.
the points in the song where they are just "jamming," in that trademark sonic youth style, are some of the high points for me personally (that's not at all to say that the vocals aren't elegantly done).

from murray street (geffen, (dgc))

you, you, you  performed by second story man  2002
Recommended by complacentbasement [profile]

gorgeous four part harmonies, slow tempo, fantastic guitar sounds and solo, the lyrics are simple, and easy to hear, listen to, learn, sing along with at shows, and relate to. kelly scullin (formerly of second story man) had a knack for writing songs in a "simple" fashion, lending themselves to further embellishment and tasteful flourish as a sort of "icing on the cake" ideal. she is one of my favorite songwriters out right now. as stated before, the songs are simple, yet their textures were always thick and lush- just imagine a big, cushy purple velvet victorian-style couch.

from pins and needles (landmark records lmr10)

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