i'll recommend this song with two others (and i'll recommend each individually as well). never ending math equation, interstate 8, broke. these are the first three songs on modest mouse's album titled building nothing out of something. the three fill eachother out nicely.
i'll recommend this song with two others (and i'll recommend each individually as well). never ending math equation, interstate 8, broke. these are the first three songs on modest mouse's album titled building nothing out of something. the three fill eachother out nicely.
Love the intro. The beat is really driving you along and then stops and lets you get it together again. Juilette Lewis (yes the actress) does a nice job of adding vocals to this song
I amit it. I am a closeted Pearl Jam fan. PJ are my favorite band, but for some reason there's always someone wishing to tell me hoow much they suck, or how much they hate Eddie Vedder's voice.
Anyway, here's one of their greatest songs. Included in the "Binaural" album, it's a sow, though energic song, with a great crescendo in mr. Vedder's voice that still gives me goosebumps. "Every inch between us becomes light years now... no need to be void... or save up on live..."