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19 tracks from Norway have been recommended.
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the craftsman  performed by the pussycats  1966
Recommended by olli [profile]

charming, catchy norwegian mid-60's beat pop, complete with heavily accentented vocals, simplistic lyrics and mouth harp solos.
not an important recording in any way, but it kind of rocks my boat right now, so i thought i'd share it:)

  24 Apr 08 ·Rendi1968: Please, Could you send me the lyric from the Crafstman?
Repined bastard nation  performed by Satyricon  2002
Recommended by olli [profile]

Satanist surf rock! (or a reasonable facsimile of that would sound like, anyway.)
From the land of polar bears and fjords
comes this insanely massive-sounding piece of black metal with a heavy dose of Dick Dale influences. It's quite poppy for a black metal tune, if you can see past the growling. I have to admit I've never actually listened too closely to the lyrics, i'm sure they're very misantrophic and gloomy and all, but this song feels very uplifting to me somehow. same thing as with Primal Scream's Detroit and Ennio Morricone's Magic and Extacy, i guess.
the synth effects round it out nicely, the guitars are fast and furious, and you got to love that drumming.

(One of these days I'm gonna have to make a mixtape with the world's most glaringly insane shifts of tone from one song to the next. This will fit nicely in between Dean Martin and Jean Jaques Perrey...)

from Volcano

"I Don’t Know What I Can Save You From"  performed by The Kings of Convenience  2001
Recommended by Alletron [profile]

The Kings of Convenience have often been described as Norway's answer to Nick Drake. They blend lyrics of nature and love with sensational flowing acoustic guitars. Erlend Oye and Erik Glambek Boe have the most hauntingly beautiful voices you may ever hear, and expertly incorporate harmonies that drift perfectly through the notes of their guitars. This is my absolute number one favorite song of all times. Listen closely on the bridge for this incredible arpeggio that just catapults the song into ethereal territory.

from "Quiet Is the New Loud" (Astralwerks)

Crushed to Dust  performed by Green Carnation  2003
Recommended by devorzhum [profile]

from A Blessing In Disguise (Season Mist)

Moonshine Delirium  performed by Arcturus  2005
Recommended by devorzhum [profile]

from Sideshow Symphonies (Season Mist)

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