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Apocalypso  performed by The Monochrome Set  1980
Composed by Bid/Haney/Square/Warren

Come closer and listen carefully, this is the best kept secret of the so called music industry.
The Monochrome Set have changed my life and the ones of thousands (Well..maybe hundreds..ok, maybe 5 or 10). They came out of nowhere in the late seventies with a serie of singles on Rough Trade and were signed by Virgin in 1980 for 2 albums then by Cherry Red for a third one (Eligible bachelors) and by Warner for the last one (The lost week end). It is not an easy task to describe their music, it is always unpredictable, brilliant, clever and funny.

To finish, this is a quote from the cover of their second album :
"Once this record is in the house two's company and four is a party, roll back the carpet, switch out the light and dance in the glow of the firelight as the Monochrome Set provide your very own music far from the maddening crowd of the dancehalls"

Oh by the way, Apocalypso is an exquisite little song with a marimba and percussion break.

from Love zombies (Virgin)

Oui je dis adieu  performed by Fran�oise Hardy  1971
Composed by Tuca/F.Hardy

Fran�oise Hardy at the beginning of the seventies had gained the right to be seen as something different than simply a part of the y� y� movement of the sixties. In 1971 with the help of a brazilian guitarist named Tuca she was about to make what is considered by many (and by me) as her best album. "La question" has a perfect instrumentation (strings, guitar and bass) and stunning arrangements. I dare you not to fall in love with the first 30 seconds of "Oui je dis adieu", in a way it reminds me of Scott Walker's "Plastic palace people" it has the same circular construction.

from La question (Hypopotam), available on CD (Hypopotam)

L’anthracite  performed by Serge Gainsbourg  1959
Composed by Serge Gainsbourg

Early Serge Gainsbourg masterpiece with an "exotica" feel. The backing track is a far-east melody while the lyrics are simply beautiful. Gainsbourg used the characteristics of the anthracite to describe his feelings about a girl. It's a kind of first step into what was to be the apex of his first period, the "Gainsbourg percussions" LP of 1964.

from N�2 (Philips)
available on CD - Couleur caf� (Mercury/Philips)

  04 Jan 04 ·whoops: sorry, in place of "far east" please read "middle east" in the recommendation above.
Ganymede  performed by Pierre Porte  1975
Composed by Pierre Porte

Incredible piece of music recorded in the mid seventies by Pierre Porte.
Named after the fourth moon of Jupiter, Ganymede (and its twin "Femmes plantes", also included in this budget MFP release) can be describe as more or less similar in instrumentation and mood to Alain Goraguer's "La plan�te sauvage" o.s.t. Eery wordless female vocals, fuzz guitars, strings section...Strikingly beautiful, no less.

from Bon dimanche, musique and music... (Music For Pleasure)

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