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texjernigan [profile] has recommended 30 tracks.
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He hit me (it felt like a kiss)  performed by The Crystals  1962
Composed by Gerry Goffin and Carole King

This track has got such a weird message, and though it's not in the track, the lyrics at the end of the song really pull the song around. This is copied from

Goffin and King wrote the song after discovering that singer Little Eva was being regularly beaten by her boyfriend. When they inquired why she tolerated such treatment, Eva replied with complete sincerity that her boyfriend's actions were motivated by his love for her.

The song was written and intended as a sort of protest song from the point of view of an abused woman. Phil Spector's arrangement was ominous and ambiguous. Dave Thompson writes, "It was a brutal song, as any attempt to justify such violence must be, and Spector �s arrangement only amplified its savagery, framing Barbara Alston�s lone vocal amid a sea of caustic strings and funereal drums, while the backing vocals almost trilled their own belief that the boy had done nothing wrong. In more ironic hands (and a more understanding age), 'He Hit Me' might have passed at least as satire. But Spector showed no sign of appreciating that, nor did he feel any need to. No less than the song�s writers, he was not preaching, he was merely documenting." [1]

Upon its initial release, "He Hit Me" received some airplay, but then there was a widespread protest of the song, with many concluding that the song was an endorsement of spousal abuse. The song soon became played only rarely on the radio, as now.

The Moon Was Yellow  performed by Ferrante and Teicher  1957

These guys did some weird effects using pianos, ending up with spacey percussive effects.

from Heavenly Sounds In Hi-Fi

Un Posto Per Un Addio  performed by Piero Umiliani  1971

Another score, this time by another Italian. When I looked him up, I found this site, which gives a pretty funny little blurb on the guy.

from La Morte Bussa Due Volte

Headache  performed by Space Twins  1998
Composed by Brian Bell

If you are (were) a fan of Weezer, you probably heard of the Space Twins, Brian's side project. If you like this sound, also check out Goddess of Love. These two tracks were both done in the nineties, and they both have that vintage sound which I guess I've always loved; I must have been 14 or 15 when I was listening to this and I liked it even then as much as or more than weezer. This site really is making me realize my musical progression and how its all very related and interlinked.

from TV, Music, and Candy

Across 110th St  performed by Bobby Womack

I ended up stealing a 110th sign because of this song.

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