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119 tracks from 2004 have been recommended.
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Soulounge Jam  performed by Soulounge  2004
Recommended by lenny [profile]

Grooving. funky bassline, mute and open trumpets above black voices, thin rhythm guitar.
Beautiful stuff of the young, rather unkown band Soulounge from Hamburg. If anybody knows a more grooving tune, please tell me.

from Home

Take Me Out  performed by Scissor Sisters  2004
Recommended by lilly747 [profile]

You can't ask more from a cover, SS really make this Franz Ferdinand track there own complete with cheeky country guitar twangs and the ever present Elton-esq piano power chords.......recorded for Jo Whileys Live Lounge for BBC Radio 1, so you can hear it here

  26 Mar 05 ·Issie: I didn't know it wwas arranged by the scissor sisters I just thought it was by franz ferdinand. Are they friends? I'm a fan of both groups. Hi to Jeanette
America  performed by Bree Sharp  2004
Recommended by ajhorse21 [profile]

This song protests against our media-bombarded American culture and has fantastic vocals. Here is a little-known singer who should be famous.

available on CD - A Cheap and Evil Girl

Last Summer  performed by Lostprophets  2004
Recommended by izumi [profile]

I love music that can make you visualize in your mind what the song is trying to convey. This is one of those songs that always makes me feel nostalgic and wistful whenever I hear it - nostalgic not because it's a song from my childhood but because it talks about happy times gone by. When I hear it, I can picture in my mind a group of friends driving in a car through their hometown with an orange sunset in the sky. This is a song about happy memories which is something that everybody can relate to.

The instrumentals are nice too. I like how the guitar flares up at the chorus, and the steady beat of the drum, and how the singer's voice seems to echo throughout the song even after he's sung a word. This song might not seem very special, but it's amazing to listen to!

from Start Something (Visible Noise TORMENT32)

In us both  performed by madreoceano  2004
Recommended by gomez [profile]

Small song. Written by E.G. from Madreoceano, very personal lyrics. Just electric guitar, voice & crystal glasses. It feels like a soundtrack of an indie.

from " Eleven songs written & recorded on the bathtub" (selfrealesed on the net)
available on CD - (by mail)

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