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133 tracks from 2003 have been recommended.
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Cicatriz ESP  performed by The Mars Volta  2003
Recommended by cjjm0202 [profile]

from De-Loused In the Comatorium, available on CD

Indian Summer  performed by Chris Botti  2003
Recommended by milesblue [profile]

Chris Botti is an accomplished musician in the worlds of Jazz and Smooth Jazz. His style is reminicent of Miles Davis but with a more melodic approach. This song incorporates an ultra-lounge feel with a cool jazz vibe. Botti's trumpet playing here approaches Miles Davis' minimalist playing style.

from A Thousand Kisses Deep
available on CD - Thousand Kisses Deep

Fighting In A Sack  performed by The Shins  2003
Recommended by bam [profile]

"we've taken on a climb and it's long enough to put the best of us on our backs," a hip tune

from Chutes Too Narrow, available on CD

Good Dancer  performed by The Sleepy Jackson  2003
Recommended by geezer [profile]

Fantastic Austrlian pop drawing on the post Beatleseque for references ,perhaps an imaginary collaboration between John Lennon and George Harrison,the Dark Horse meets No9 Dream .Bright and energetic from start to finish with a sun bleached aura to make your day shine .incidentally this group split and re emerged as Empire of the Sun well worthy of perusal .

from Lover, available on CD

Vota mind lehtede varju  performed by Urmas Alender  2003
Recommended by sirjelind [profile]

It is my favourite song for last 30 years because of several reasons from which the most imortant is that itis heart-breakingly beautiful.

from Kohtumine Albertiga

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