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133 tracks from 2003 have been recommended.
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Something That You Said  performed by The Bangles  2003
Recommended by acidburn [profile]

from Doll Revolution

Up In The North  performed by The Fiery Furnaces  2003
Recommended by alba [profile]

this is one of the best rock songs released recently...i love the piano...its got a folky, rootsy thing going on

from Gallowsbird's Bark

My Brother Woody  performed by Bart Davenport  2003
Recommended by eftimihn [profile]

Good to see a cover of one of my favourite Free Design songs appear in 2003, especially when it's executed this good. It's very true to the original, so true it sounds almost as if the voice of Sandy Dedrick got sampled from the original version.

from Game Preserve, available on CD (Antenna Farm)

  03 Mar 05 ·heinmukk: on heavy rotation right now. but i didn't found another decent song on the album. maybe i got to give it hear again...
Miracles  performed by Soulounge  2003
Recommended by lenny [profile]

Regularly I fall in love with songs that have a harmonic, perfectly tuned voice chorus like "miracles". The Fender Rhodes keyboard and a moderate bass-line completes the relaxed mood.
I immediatly feel this bittersweet mixture of good times memories and melancholy.

from Home

Little Eyes  performed by Yo La Tengo  2003
Recommended by Bazz [profile]

Season Of The Shark was a nice song off of Summer Sun but Little Eyes is much much better. It starts off with a penetrating beep followed by warm synths. When the beat starts you just can't refuse tapping along with your feet. And the vocals... oh my. The vocals sound as if angels are whispering in your ears. A nice instrumental break somewhere in the middle, and this song is a real gem on an album that was a big let down. Except for those two tracks.

from Summer Sun (Matador)

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