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52 tracks from 1994 have been recommended.
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Saturday Night  performed by Whigfield  1994
Recommended by acidburn [profile]

from Saturday Night

Polaire  performed by Lassigue Bendthaus  1994
Recommended by beautifulmutant [profile]

Fans of Kraftwerk and general dark synthetic music fans should seek out this CD "Render" and play it over and over and over. Ewe Schmidt aka "Atom Heart" "Senor Coconut" and who knows who else released four albums under the Lassigue Bendthaus name... Render is the purest and best of the four.

from Render (Restless)

One Day  performed by Gary Moore  1994
Recommended by Mike [profile]

Wonderfully melodic virtuoso blues guitar work. Minor key tonality. As usual on Gary's tracks, the vocals are rather dwarfed by the over top magnificence of his guitar playing.

from Ballads and Blues, available on CD (Virgin)

Desire Lines  performed by Lush  1994
Recommended by parlop [profile]

So beautiful and quietly emotional as a lot of shoegazing is. One of their longest songs... it starts out with the wailing guitar melody that's repeated throughout and accented by Miki Berenyi's calm and melancholy vocals, but the instrumental parts are really the most prominent parts of the song. The best part is at around 3:53 when the guitars go crazy. the whole thing seems very representative of sadness and getting to that point where you just can't hold it in anymore and you start weeping hardcore. it's a good song... the only one that can make me cry over and over again.

from Split (4AD)

Miss World  performed by Hole  1994
Recommended by oceanacid [profile]

An incredible emaotional hard rocking song that is totally relatable.

from Live Through This, available on CD (Geffen)

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