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81 tracks from 1998 have been recommended.
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Sur ton r�pondeur  performed by Notre-Dame  1998
Recommended by texjernigan [profile]

This is Arnaud Fleurent Didier's earlier project, Notre-Dame, and I have to say that whatever it is that influences this guy is worth noting. He's the man that's really behind records, which is obvious when you look at the credits of every track on the site that's worth a damn, because if it's good its because he produced it. Ema Derton, the female vocalist on this track, shows up in a lot of the music on the label, whose voice reminds me of Mo Tucker, the girl who sings "After Hours" with the Velvet Underground. It's just clear beautiful and innocent.

from Chansons Fran�aises, available on CD (French Touche)

Headache  performed by Space Twins  1998
Recommended by texjernigan [profile]

If you are (were) a fan of Weezer, you probably heard of the Space Twins, Brian's side project. If you like this sound, also check out Goddess of Love. These two tracks were both done in the nineties, and they both have that vintage sound which I guess I've always loved; I must have been 14 or 15 when I was listening to this and I liked it even then as much as or more than weezer. This site really is making me realize my musical progression and how its all very related and interlinked.

from TV, Music, and Candy

Guitar in Orbit, PT. 37  performed by Deke Dickerson and the Ecco-Fonics  1998
Recommended by Solo [profile]

cool high speed clean guitar instrumental with a 1950s tonalizer sound. I feel like I'm watching Sputnik in orbit while hearing a jet break the sound barrier when I listen to this. Deke and the Ecco-Fonics are noted for a phenomenal period-style production on albums, retro but never wistfully nostalgic songwriting, and exceptional virtuosity at live performances. The rest of this CD is loaded with great vocals and hip tunes.

from Number One Hit Record! (HighTone (HMG) HMG 3005)

Cold Brains  performed by Beck  1998
Recommended by Sulku [profile]

from Mutations

Static  performed by Beck  1998
Recommended by Sulku [profile]

from Mutations

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